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Spencer's POV

"I'm just saying playing D and D should have gotten us popular like we we're already fighting bad guys" Liam says full of enthusiasm. He's probably as happy as the rest of us are that we caught the unsub.

"Riiight.....  I don't know about you but I don't think the "knowing everything" was a reason for popularity"

"Are you kidding! You'd be even more of a super hero. Let's be honest the smartest person in the room is the best person in the room"

"Okay well what about you"

"What about me"

"I can't imagine anyone ever hating you so how in the world did people decide to start bullying you"

"Ah! Because they were idiots! I was so cool! I mean I was very.... fashionable."


"I wore a lion king costume to school for a whole week and refused to take it off. I was called the scaredy cat for probably the rest of my time at school. And I'm sure you know how it is, after they find one thing to hate about you, they find so much more so fast and suddenly everything about you is wrong"

"Yep I guess you could say I know about that. May I ask what was the reason for the costume?"

"Reason? How'd you know there was a reason?"

"We profile Liam" I say jokingly and then taking a more calm tone "Besides, there's always a reason"

"I agree. Well long story short the last time my dad and I did something together before he died was watching the Lion King. I loved it so after he died, my mom got me the costume so I could be reminded of our good times together before he past. And I guess I associated taking off the costume with forgetting my dad."

I look at him as he looks at his hands pensively.

"Hey Liam?" I say softly. 


"Do you miss him?"


"You're strong. And I'm willing to bet he thought so too"

He is about to say something when JJ grabs our attention and tells us to meet up in the briefing room for our new case. Before we head there Liam turns to me and quickly says:

"People don't ever stop killing don't they"

"Seems that way"

Aarons POV

As JJ starts briefing everyone on the case I take a minute to look at my team. Everyone is listening to JJ, they're all sitting in their usual spots. Interesting how we just pick spots and stay in them. I see Liam has found his spot which would be right next to Reid. Seems appropriate, the two have been practically inseparable since Liam first joined. I think more about Liam, since the beginning he has seemed to have bonded with Reid and the two seem to have grown closer every time I see them. I may not know Liam's history but it is abnormal for Reid. However change in behavior isn't impossible but I wonder what triggered it. Maybe SSA Fenley has more to him than I know. Although that seems to be the case for pretty much everyone. Reid is the first person Fenley looks at when searching for a reaction suggestion Reid's reaction is the most important to him, while Reid naturally goes to talk to Fenley when he enters a room which suggests that Fenley is who Reid enjoys talking to the most. It's interesting. Neither of them have dropped anyone else on the team, of course, but Spencer's behavior is clearly different and Liam seems to be the trigger. As long as the change is positive, I don't see myself having a problem with Liam.

Spencers POV

After being briefed on the case we all make our way towards the plane. Liam hops in my car and asks if we can stop at a gas station. I agree seeing as it won't take long and I do need gas. Once we get there Liam darts out the car and heads into the store and I smile at how energetic he is for someone who looks like he never sleeps anyway. But then again I am the walking example of someone who sleeps terribly yet still goes on business as usual. Liam leaves the store with a small bag and once in the car he hands me something and says "Here". 

I look at him confused and I take the bag and see that he bough pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate I believe but I ask anyway "Uh Liam" I smile "what is this?"

"That" He tells me while pointing to the bag "Is only the best pretzels ever"

I smile and crack open the box and pass him some and we try them.

"Okay so let me get this straight" I look at Liam and continue, "I'MMM the genius but YOU know about these. I don't know somethings off"

"Ah! But if you are correct then that would still make you a genius"




We both start laughing because if there's one word that does not describe Liam Fenley yet describes him the most is the word Nerd and Spencer seems to be the only one to know it. 

We make our way to the plane and are informed that we are taking off in about 15 minutes but after Hotch arrives a few minutes after Spencer and Liam he informs the pilot that it might be best to leave right away. Liam sits next to me on the plane and we bounce theories for the flight with the rest of the team.

"Alright team" Hotch says "Once we land I want everyone to get to work right away, I want to end this with the least amount of death possible"

Everyone nods in agreement and as they go over the case Liam grabs my hand under the table where nobody can see. I grab it back. He smiles. 

Spencer Reid x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now