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Spencer's POV

After spending what seems like forever but was actually only a couple of days on the case we catch the unsub. As I'm packing up my things to head home I see Liam racing inside the station and running towards me. I speak up

"Hey Liam, what's going on"

"Spence sorry that was a bit of a dramatic entrance I just picked up more pretzels and figured you could have some before you leave and well uh I was running late so... I ran"

I honestly don't know what to say because it's a simple gesture but it just feels like more. I don't want to be the one to start the conversation because if it's not more for him then I don't want to ruin it and I'm thinking way too hard about this so I'll just stick to-

"You know statistically-"

He looks at me with a goofy smile and says:

"I am going to interrupt you because I know that running when not necessary is statistically dangerous butttt.. your smile is wayyy more important and way worth it. SO statistically I wouldn't change a thing."

He smiles confidently and I can't help but admit defeat. We chat about whatever is on our minds as we leave the station and then before we know it we're mid journey on the plane back home. I take a look around and I see Liam doing the same. Everyone seems to have dozed off it is super late. Morgan is listening to music and Hotch is deep into paperwork. Fenley and I are in the back corner of the plane kind of secluded. He then says the words I've needed him to say but have been dreading to hear at the same time.

"Spence- can we talk? Nothing bad I promise."

"Yeah, of course."

"I guess-" I can see Liam search for his words. "What are we"

I look at him unsure of what to say but I see that there are more words on the tip if his tongue ready to be spoken so I let him continue

"Okay I'll just say it. Spencer I like you. A lot. Like more than the regular good ol friends a lot. And I was hoping that maybe you did too. Like me. Like more than friends. God I sound dumb. Sorry I shouldn't of said- it's okay if you never wanna see me again-"

I snap out of it

"WAIT woah no Liam. It's okay hey it's oh-kay" 

He's usually so confident I've never actually seen him search for his words before. I continue

"It's actually more than okay.."

He shoots his head up and looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"I've never really known how to say anything like this but I'm hoping you get what I mean when I say that I've never wanted to be more than "good friends" with anyone as much as I do with you right now"

He looks at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Spencer Reid I always get what you mean"

I go to kiss him but Hotch speaks up and says "Hey everyone, sorry to wake you but we've landed"

I look back at Liam, blushing and we share a car back to my place. 

"Hey Spencer"


"Can we stop referring things to more than friends"

Something about Liam channels confidence in my social skills, specifically the ones where we talk about feelings which, to be honest, isn't ever that great. But in the same way he seems to have trouble putting the words that describe feelings together around me, my words have never been so clear so I smile and say:

"I have never wanted to kiss anyone more than I want to kiss you right now"

And that's exactly when I leaned in and he kissed me and I never want it to stop. I know that it may seem soon, to be fair we have known each other for a month but it feels like a decade. Yet every time we talk there is so much to say. That doesn't stop us from being able to sit quietly and think, we're just comfortable. We've helped each other through the hard cases because Liam doesn't shut people out. He welcomes them into his life I have never met a person that has ever been so invested in anything I say that isn't case related. He even remembered one of my statistics that I had told him about moths. When I was surprised that he remembered he just acted like it was the most normal thing ever. Liam Fenley cares about what I say and I care so much about him. I care about if he's had enough water. I care about how he's taking the emotional toll of the job, I care about everything. It may seem soon but I care so much about Liam and I could not wait.

"Liam" I say between breaths


"I-I need you to know that you mean the world to me"

He smiles, kisses me and says

"Spencer, I- I wish that this was a better place or maybe I could have the right words but I know that this, us, its right. We fit. And I never want to hurt you. Ever. Spencer it may seem soon but make it official with me? Will you be my boyfriend?"



"Yes" I say as I break out the biggest smile.

He kisses me excitedly before saying

"Wait! Hotch!"

"Liam, you mean the world to me but I didn't really think Aaron Hotchner is who you'd be thinking about given the fact that-"

"Wait no" He laughs "Aren't we supposed to sign some sort of paper." He is still smiling like an idiot. I love it.

"Uhhh I don't know.. this has never happened to me.."



"Really. No one in the fbi has ever gotten to date the Spencer Reid?"

"Guess you're the first"

He smiles "Yeah I am!"

"You know you'd still be the most special even if I had dated every single person in the fbi"

He grins to himself. Then speaks up:

"Wanna come to my place for the night?"

"Uh, Liam I don't know if-"

"Oh wait no sorry that's not what I meant. Although to be honest I'm down if you're down but ANYway, I was thinking we have our first movie marathon, I have a bunch of dvd's to sort from, mind you we did just get back from work so you might be tired so we can go to sleep whenever."

"SSA Fenley are you asking me if I want to have a sleepover?"

"Yes..... That's exactly what I'm doing. You up for the best sleepover ever Reid?"

"Will there be pizza?"

Spencer Reid x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now