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Spencer POV

Liam and I both wake up startled at the sound of the alarm. At some point during the night we must've shifted positions because Liam was right next to me when we woke up. I assume he was too tired to walk back to his bed. We just look at each other a little confused until our memory catches up. 

"Good morning" He says half asleep.


"Hey do you think we have time for breakfast"

"I think so we are meant to be meeting in 30 so we should be fine."

"Well then I have a spectacular idea!"

"Do you now" I say taunting him

"Yes I do and you'll love it!"

He gets up grabs my hand to get me up and out of bed, yeah I definitely blushed with the whole hand holding thing. 

"Alright lets get ready and then we will have the best breakfast ever!"

I look at him and smile at how genuinely happy he is over the idea of breakfast when what we have is whatever is out downstairs in the hotel lobby. A few minutes later we were all ready to go, we closed the door and he held my hand and practically ran and dragged me along with him to the lobby. Apparently the hand holding is something we do now but I don't mind.

"Alright" He looks at me like a football coach about to explain the winning strategy to their team. "Close your eyes and pick 5 random numbers"


"It's part of the fun"

"Uh okay. 5,9,2,4,8. "

"Alright I can work with that. He then proceeds to use the numbers to influence the breakfast from the food aisle. I watch as he takes 9 grapes, 2 waffles, 5 pieces of bacon, 4 hash browns and- and 8 individual cheerios.

"Sorry I got kind of stuck at the end." He hands me the plate of food and I smile at the 8 cheerios that form a smiley face on the plate.

"Woah this-"

"Is the best thing ever" He says

"Is the best thing ever" I repeat smiling. Fully invested in this mini game we've created for ourselves I say:

"Okay you're turn"

He looks at me surprised before he says

"What do you mean?"

"Your turn pick 5 numbers"

He smiles, gets excited and says


"See you in one second!"

I then grab seven of the seventh item in line, 6 of the 6th item, 3 of the 3rd item and so on until I had a huge plate of food with a single grape on top. Proud of my creation organized to look like a tower I bring it back to Liam who is too busy smiling to notice the plate of food I set down in front of us.

"Voila, 7,6,3,4,1"

He looks at me then looks at the plate and says 

"HOly shit! That's epic! How am I supposed to eat all that?" He asks

"Ah I figured you would say that, which is why whatever we don't want we can share with the team who are all probably still asleep"

He laughs and looks at me and his demeanor changes to be a bit calmer then he says

"Hey Spence"

"Yea?" I say matching his tone.

"Thank you. You-you're really great you know that right?" He says very sure of himself.

I look at him surprised and I answer

"Almost as great as you".

And there isn't much I wouldn't do to see a smile like that on Liam's face.

We eat, talk, laugh and before we know it it's time to get to the station. As usual, he holds my hand pretty much all the time, mostly to get me to walk faster.... I think. Hell, I'm so used to it I started giving him my hand before he even got a chance to move. He smiles every time. I smile every time. Once we arrive at the station, we pass out breakfast.

"Thanks guys!" JJ says

"Yeah thanks" Derek chimed already eating. "Hey, when did you guys get this stuff?"

Liam responds "This morning I think it was around-" He looks at me wondering what time we woke up at.

"I'd say 7 ish"

"Either way thanks guys , it's appreciated"

Shortly after once everyone arrived, Hotch briefs us on the plan again and we put it into motion. While giving the profile I couldn't help but notice Liam's eyes were on me the whole time. And my eyes kept darting back to his.  I don't really know what Liam and I are because I don't think I've ever been around anyone quite like him that makes me feel the way he does. It's a good feeling. I would consider us to be friends. Yeah friends. 

By the time we arrive to the unsubs home Liam and Derek went first into the home and I swear he almost tried to take my hand to bring me with him before he realized that we were at work. Interesting. He will only actively try to hold my hand when we are outside of work. That typically means that holding his friends hands isn't something he just unapologetically does no matter where he is. It could also be out of curtsey of me, he probably is trying to figure out work boundaries. I try not to profile him as I almost feel like it's an invasion of privacy but it's kind of hard to avoid when profiling is your life. We catch the unsub, Derek tackles him to the ground after he tried to run and Liam and I head back to the hotel.

"Hey guys!" Hotch says trying to catch up to us

"Just to let you know the hotel called and they said they can get you your separate rooms back if you'd like."

I feel....disappointed? ...for some reason and I look at Liam and he's sporting the same expression so I answer:

"Hey Hotch, tell them it's okay we're all unpacked and comfortable where we are so if it's okay with Liam, I'd rather stay"

"It's absolutely fine by me" Liam adds in only realizing a bit after that the absolutely was a little enthusiastic for two grown men sharing a room.

"Alright I'll let them know."

And that moment is when Aaron Hotchner had his first suspicions.

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