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I cant feel my legs by the time we reach the forest. I should have predicted this. Keenan really isn't deviating from textbook behavior that much. Nevertheless, he drops me on the ground and starts off another monologue.

"Well well looky here- dont you justt love this place the smell the everything. Brings up such good memeories.''

Yeah memories of assault Spencer thought.


Everyone in the team is off trying to find Spencer. As suspected the place that Liam guided them too was abandoned but no one gave up hope, they were close. 

Garcias called the team to inform them that Spencer had been hospitalized many times due to incidents that took place in some sort of forest. JJ was able to relate that to a forest not to far from the school and the whole team set off for that location.

Everyon's mind racing wondering how could they have not realized that they knew so little about Spencer. Suddenly they heard laughter and they all went rushing towards the noise. They were all able to see Spencer and Keenan through the trees. As they were about to move in Spencer reacted.



Keenan continued his monologue as per usual and set up the camera. Spencer was startled when Keenan randomly started laughing. For some reason this moment was when Spencer had enough it was a mixture of anger, annoyance, sadness and adrenaline that hit him all at once. Unknowing that the team was there, he got up.

"Feeling brave are we-''

"Holy shit, just shut up''

Everyone was shocked from Keenan to Aaron who had never heard Spencer say that so casually and yet seriously.

"Yeah you heard me right. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Its my turn to monologue. You know what's fucked up? You spent so many years in prison, which I cant imagine would be a fun time and you got out and was like hmm you know what I'm gonna do? Repeat what got me sent here in the first place. In all your years in prison you couldn't of thought of a single better idea? Not one?''

Spencer was fuming and everyone was just staring including Keenan who went to open his mouth before Spencer interrupted him.

"I am NOT done. I tried to help you, I tried to get you to understand that being gay isn't a fucking choice and its also not a bad thing. I tried because I knew that all the shitty things that happened to you at home was not your fault. But you know what? That wasn't my job! It wasn't up to me to do that, but I still empathized with the asshole who beat me up. ''

Spencer ran his hands through his hair as he was speaking his mind, becoming more and more comfortable. Liam had thought for a second of intervening but Hotch gently stopped him. He wasn't in immediate danger and he needed to let this out.

"But hey I moved on. I lived my life I have my team, my friends, I have my boyfriend-''

At the sound of that everyone in the team looked at each other trying to decipher who was the boyfriend, to see if anyone knew anything. At this point everyone sort of figured that Spencer was likely gay but no one really processed it. Hotch obviously was not shocked and smiled knowingly meanwhile JJ and Derek looked around at the others confused until they reached Liam sporting the most, alright you got me I'm guilty, look ever. Liam also briefly wondered if this meant he for sure had to do paperwork. There would be time to ask questions but for now they need to tune back into the conversation.

"So I get that we aren't the same but maybe instead of being miserable and hurting others in the process you could, hm I don't know, get a hobby? Take up knitting? Go to therapy? Because YOU hurt me. YOU. I was just a KID. So when you find yourself in prison again Id strongly recommend you leave me, and my team the fuck alone. Alright?''

Keenan stood shocked. Everyone was shocked. Spencer never spoke like that. Liam was smiling and as soon as Spencer noticed him, he ran and gave Liam a massive hug. Which only amplified the level of shock in the air, because Spencer normally wasn't too fond of hugs. Hotch and Rossi moved to arrest Keenan before Derek decided he would like to do the honors and arrested Keenan himself. Derek gave a fist bump to Reid, who was sporting a half shocked look because he didn't realize his team was there and a half happy look because that meant Derek accepted him. JJ smiled at Reid and gave him a hug. Everyone else briefly acknowledged him before going in the car, all showing support. All except Liam who waited so he could have a moment with Spencer. 

The second he could Liam kissed Spencer and when they broke apart he said:

"I love you''

To which Spencer answered:

"I love you too"

Liam then grabbed Spencer' hand as he had done so many times before, feeling the smile on their faces, they walked back to the car.


Anyway baby girl that's the story.


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