In an Hour

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Aaron looks around at his team all slightly distressed based off of the video and Spencer's reaction. It's no secret that everyone there cares deeply about their boy genius but they need to keep a level head on this case. Hotch worries about weather or not the new agent will be able to do so given their.... friendship? Aaron gets out of his head and speaks up.

"Alright team I know that this is a difficult case and we are all worried about Reid. But the best way we can help him is to solve this. " Hotch points at the unsub on the screen. Whatever Reid can tell us will be a bonus but we need to work this like any other case and right now we don't have Reid or... Fenley it seems but we can still begin. Garcias, see if you can find anything in the video that could indicate where our unsub is and Derek go outside the station to see how Fenley and Reid are doing. The rest of us, be alert. If our unsub is telling the truth, another video will be sent to us and I don't want it going unnoticed. "

Everyone mumbles an okay and gets to work. Morgan makes his way outside and when he doesn't see Reid his heart stops. He tells himself to take a deep breath and to keep looking. Maybe they went for a walk. No Liam would've sent a message. It is then that he looks at the ground and notices Spencer's bag on the floor. No. Morgan curses under his breath and runs into the station where the team are all still gathered in the back room. Everyone watches as Morgan hurries in and says

"They're gone."

Hotch speaks up

"Morgan" He says slowly and cautiously "What do you mean?"

"Spencer. And Fenley. They're gone. I think-" He points to a picture of the unsub. "I think that bastard took them."

A wave of panic settles on everyone's faces. However none of them are new to stressful situations so they gather themselves quickly. Hotch takes charge.

"Alright this is going to be hard but we have to do what we need to do. Garcias, you are not going to like this but you need to look into Spencer. This man seems to have known him, look for any old friend or enemy, rival whatever you can find that may help."

"Understood. I'm on it"

"The rest of us we need to see what's left outside, analyze this video and the other one. Find the old victims, see if Reid knew them, see if there was a common area that they all visited, that could be where our unsub is getting them from."

The team is stressed but fueled with anger and determination as they work on finding the doctor and the agent.



"Spence, hey Spence are you alright"

Liam whispers towards Spencer. Reid is about to answer when a tall, muscular man enters the room. No, when Keenan enters the room. Spencer looks at Liam sadly and Keenan utters his first face to face words to Spencer.

"Ah Spence! Is that what they call you know. I'm not sure if I like it. I always preferred calling you S. Just one letter, short, gets to the point. Well I might as well get started I set up my lovely video camera here just for you Spencer! Well not jussst for you. It's to ruin you. Because you don't deserve to exist. What was so wrong with me Spencer. Nothing! There was nothing wrong with me but everything wrong with you." 

Keenans words hit Spencer like daggers and he wishes nothing but to get Liam out of this.

"Keenan please just- just let Liam go."

Liam snaps his head towards Spencer shocked and about to protest.

"You can do whatever you want to me but- let him go. He's not in this."

Spencer Reid x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now