Wheels up

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"You know statistically every second an average of 350 slices if pizza are sold"

"No way that's gotta make it up to-"

"30 240 000 pizza's per day"

"Incredible! Wait spencer how many people are lactose intolerant?"

"About 65 percent of the human population. From what I understand, they're the ones that consume the most lactose out of pure spite or something?"

"Ha you could say that. My mom is exactly like that. Come to think of it she would love you."


"Don't worry Spence. I'm not asking you to meat her we just started dating. I wouldn't want to give you a heart attack."

"Sorry I'm just not the best around people.."

"Didn't seem that way in the car..."

"Ah for some unknown reason, even to me, you are the exception"

"Ha is that so...."

He looks at me super intensely. Leans in and I hold my breath. He puts his hand on my waist. Stares into my eyes. And then he kisses me quickly on the nose and says:

" Gotcha! Also I'm just messin' you'll meet her whenever you're ready."

I smile at him, amazed and in disbelief at what my life looks like. We watch a movie before he passes out, his head on my shoulder. 


The Next Day:

Aaron's POV

I call in the team early and I watch as they all pile into the briefing room one after another. Nearly everyone is here and Reid and Fenley show up together and grab their usual spots. Given my suspicions I hate to be the one to have to share this case but it's important. I wait as Derek shuffles in and then I notice that everyone is here and I start presenting.

"Alright team. Sorry to have to call you in early but this video got sent directly to me."

I load up the video and press play. The unsub is there, wearing a mask and is talking directly to the camera, his voice dubbed over. The victim is sitting in a chair in the background. I see the team is watching intensely. He begins to speak.

"Hello. I have sent this to Aaron Hotchner and only Aaron Hotchner. Hello Hotch. You and your team are the only ones I want working this case. What case? The case of me. You see, I have taken quite an interest to your little team and I would love to get to know you all a little better. I'm sure Greg back here would also like to know you but what can I say we can't all get what we want right Greg"

Greg, the victim, appears terrified when the unsub turns around and kills him.

"Anyway... as I was saying you have 48 hours before I find another one of these creatures to rid this earth of. Bye Bye." He winks and I shut off the tape.

Everyone looks at each other in shock and I begin to present the details of the case. "This", I show a picture of the victim, "is Gregory Francis. He lived with his husband Scott not too far from here. And these", I pull up 3 other pictures, "are the other men that can be tied to this unsub. All of them are homosexual, white and in their late twenties". 

Spencer's POV

I watch as Hotch describes the men that have been murdered. The men like me. The men like Liam. I look over at him and he looks at me. He squeezes my hand under the desk reassuring me that it will work out. But something about this case seems off and I can't quite pin what it is. Why would an unsub want the fbi tracking him? Why send the video to Hotch? Why show us the murder? Why tell us the victims name? It's almost like he wants to be found. Like this is a lot more personal than what is being let on. I look back at Liam and I see it in his face that his brain is moving fast as well through the questions. I look up and hear Hotch say:

"Wheels up in 20"

Spencer Reid x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now