• Republic Day •

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Short poem

It was my choice to choose this career,
But the choice wasn't mine to become a martyr.
I was a proud Indian soldier,
Before death carried me away in the border.

Death has just given me some rest;
For I will be stronger in my next conquest.
My mother is crying, but she is proud of me;
A soldier in my next birth, she wants me to be.

I am happy that I died with a bullet in my chest'
In the fight with the land of the West.
Now I am wrapped in my flag and placed in a coffin,
Now my only request is am Indian in my next birth I want to be.

Explanation : Being an Indian is a matter of great pride and honor. I, as an Indian citizen, am proud to say that I belong to the nation where lord Rama took his first and last steps, where poets like Kalidas and Tulsidas carved their emotions into words, where kings worshipped the land that they ruled and where the tunes of lord Krishna's flute was the melody people woke up to.I am proud of my nation just like every one of us should be. Fighting for this country, living for this country and dying for this country is our previlage.Soldiers of our country spend their whole life in keeping us safe and that kind of a sacrifice deserves a lot more than gratitude. But that is all we have to offer, our respect and gratitude. Mothers send their sons to the border so that we can walk the streets safely.Wives send their husbands to war so that we can sleep peacefully and children lose their fathers to war so that we can live on to take the responsibility of the country on our shoulders.I would like to end this by saying, "Remember that someone out there is putting their life on line so that you can live yours."

Let's see some quotes based on Republic Day

"Turn your wounds into wisdom. Happy Republic Day"

"Never Forget The Hero’s Who Sacrificed Their Lives To Bring Up This Glorious Day To India, Happy Republic Day"

"Let us remember the golden heritage of
our country and feel proud to be a part of


TEEN FIX COMMUNITY wishes you all a Happy Republic Day

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TEEN FIX COMMUNITY wishes you all a Happy Republic Day


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