|Anxiety |

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The title itself gives the vibe, it's not a hidden thing that adults and teenagers face this problem in everyday life. Feeling anxious or worried about some or other things, either be it about ourselves or about our talents, we always think "do good in this?" , " what if I embarrass myself in front of everyone?" , "This  thing doesn't have any future I don't think I should do this.", " I know my marks will never be good no matter how much I try."

I know it's part of life, you will feel this and I myself am a very anxious person. There will be no moment where you will not be worried because this is life and feeling anxious is part of it!!!!

But don't overthink, don't bother yourself by worring too much about the stuff you cannot handle, people will talk whether you are right or wrong. It's in their nature!!! Take a deep breath and rest. You should focus on the stuff you love to do without worring about the outcome because when it love it then you don't need to worry about your results.

Just follow your heart!!!

We trust you!!!

Credits to : peaceful_writter

Credits to : peaceful_writter

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