|Just Be Yourself |

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      Just be yourself

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      Just be yourself

"Beauty lies in the eyes of those who see it."

From a young age, we are set to follow a few beauty standards, we are expected to be cute and plumpy when we are kids and transform into thin and beautiful when we grow up.

Everyone expects is to meet those high beauty standards when they can't even sharpen their thinking enough to know that the flaws that we have make us human, make us special.

  People think that we are like modelling clay, it might be true, but the thing you can model here is not our body, but our mind and personalities. We might all come from different backgrounds, from different mentalities, we might all look different, but in the end, whether rich or poor, ugly it beautiful, out destination is the same.

So rather than pretending to be someone we are not for the sake of appealing out judgemental society, let's be ourselves. Let the people see the imperfect, flawed, wierd, quirky, beautiful and magical person that you are.

We all have scars,
But we keep them hidden away.
'You need to look as beautiful as the stars',
We hear them say.

We love in a society,
Where no one is enough.
Because materialistic beauty is the priority,
And the ones who don't have it, are in cuffs.

Being a fragile Rose won't matter,
If you are rotten inside.
To far lands these seeds of mysoginy have scattered,
By which you don't need to abide.

So in this world full of roses, be a sunflower,
In the world which wears skin tight jeans, wear baggy jeans.
You don't need to jump high to meet the beauty bar,
Just be yourself and over the moon you'll feel.

Credits to mirabelle_lockhart18

Credits to mirabelle_lockhart18

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