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Mondays are lethargic?

If someone asked me the question I would say hell yes. Who wouldn't want to sleep for a few more hours?  Have a late brunch, binge watch or binge read books?

That sounds like perfect! But we need to get back to work, push ourselves to start a new weekday and achieve our goals.

"This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you."

[ Picture credit : Pinterest ]

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[ Picture credit : Pinterest ]

A few things which you could possibly try doing on Monday and go on for the entire week, no matter if you are able to do it everyday of the week or not.

1. Go through things that motivate you, might be motivational videos or quotes or motivational stories.
[Caution ⚠: Don't end up scrolling the entire time though]

2. Water your plants and spend some time with them if you are a nature person or go for a short walk.

3. Do things that make you feel positive.

4. Complete your tasks without procrastination and see the happiness you feel.

5. Cook for yourself and enjoy your meal.

Now back to why you should get up and go to work on a Monday morning?

Erm.. Do you know?

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Ugh.. Stop, this isn't something that needs to be posted on a Monday Motivation post nvm.

Jokes apart,  just like that getting started might be difficult but it's all till you get started

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Jokes apart,  just like that getting started might be difficult but it's all till you get started. Once you get started there is no looking back mate, you go and rock the world and complete all your goals.

As much as it's tempting to lay down on bed and have some more sleep, it's even more tempting to reach our ultimate goal and have that broad smile on our face beaming like a thousand watt bulb.

Look at the reasons on why you should work today and that will push you to do the things you have to.

"You can do whatever you set your mind to do"

"Never doubt what you can do because you can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible to you"

"Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen"

"You are more than who you were, you can always start over anytime like  today"

"Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do"

"When there is time in your hand, utilize it instead of regretting later"

"Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. You can do it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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