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"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."


The fact that you are strong enough to stand alone, doesn’t mean that you should walk alone. A team of two is stronger than one person alone, and we are created to be team players. But, you should never build your life upon someone else, meaning that if that person should disappear, your entire life will fall apart. Two strong people working together make each other even stronger.  It is important to be able to stand on your own legs. But, if you need help, you need to be smart enough to understand that you actually need it. So many people try to be so strong that they never dare to ask for help. However, when they refuse to ask for help, they are dumb, not smart!
So, be strong and stand on your own legs. But, when help is needed, be smart enough to understand that you actually need help, and be brave enough to admit that you need help. Maybe you're afraid to look week as you ask for help but what is better. Being a burnt-out failure who didn’t ask for help, or reaching new levels with the help of others?

     "Life gives us many crazy turns, we should always be mentally prepared to face anything which is waiting for us."


Yes, you are facing so much in your life but tell me who is not facing a problem its just matter of time once this moment passes everything will be normal to be strong enough to face if not for you At least for the people who trust or are dependent on you.

          "You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for."


Lay your wishes aside for a spell, and look deep into what your beliefs about yourself. Make sure your beliefs about your own life are anchored in greatness, in Holiness, in worth, in grace, in joy, in excitement - in internal certainties rather than external circumstances. Because of the belief? That's where you're heading, no matter what it may look like on the outside. Just believe yourself and work for what you want for and make it come true...

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