|Music soothes the soul |

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Hello everyone, *frantically waves*Today, we are going to present some poems in front of you about music

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Hello everyone, *frantically waves*
Today, we are going to present some poems in front of you about music. Music soothes the soul. *Drum rolls*
And here they are:
*Throws confetti*

By the one and only caramellattelover

Music travels all over my body
Now I can say it's living right through me.
Listening to music puts me in a good mood
It makes me want to stand up and start to dance.
Music can make me forget all of my pain.
It brings out the sun when I can only see the rain.
I put on my headphones and play all of my songs.
I could listen to it all day long
Music takes me to another place,
Higher than the sky and far away from the space.
There's nothing to compare to it in the whole world.

Music is my everything
Because It is the only one who understands me


Did you think we would stop? Nah!

The chords of my escape.
The feeling of a beat.
The vibration of my soul.
It sends me to my peak.

I just love how it makes me feel,
But there's no way the feeling is real.
I can close my eyes and look up to the ceiling.
It's the most pleasurable feeling.

The way it makes me move.
Just gracefully on my feet.
In the chords of my escape.
There are no expectations to meet.

I'm free to be myself.
I can dance, I can sing.
I can twirl around on the floor.
That's how it's supposed to be.

But of course, all happiness has to come to an end.
I look at the ground
I sigh and frown.
It's time to let go of my only true friend.

I lift my hand to my ear
And pull out the plastic.
I suddenly feel blank again.
But soon again, I will feel happy once again


This is not the end!!!

Some treat from maanvibhagat

Oh music! You are the sweetest Melody
Calming my mind as well as body
Oh music! You are the tiniest sound
Which makes me dance around

You calm my nerves when I'm stressed
With you, I am totally obsessed
Your different tunes entertain me always
For reaching my heart you've got ways
You make me feel totally serene
Making my various thoughts clean

You have been my faithful companion
Making my life colorful like a crayon
I hope you'll always be my guide
And always stay by my side.

Another poem:

My head slowly bobbing to the melody
My lips slowly murmuring that tragedy
My eyes closed on its own accord
The song keeps playing like a broken record

My head feels light, once again I'm free
I'm alone just singing to that melody
My happiness now knows no bounds
This music is going on in those towns.


By the beautiful @Sakshidevi_712

My anxious heart,
Which beats more faster than speed of a train,
Calms down when it listens to one beat from your Violin,
The music which comes out of the instrument,
Isn't just music but something more than that,
Every beat heals my broken soul,

It seems like my soul yearns for the music from you,
They say music can heal anything,
Never expected one day it could heal my heart too,
Music soothe my soul,
It gave me strength to face things better,

Now when I look at the violin you played for me,
I just go back to those days,
Where my Grandma could just heal me with her violin,
All I can say is,
Those were the days,
All I can do is say that Music Is Everything To Me.


That's all for today.
Music lies everywhere around you *listens to to the water drops and swaying of trees*

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Warm regards,

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