| Life is Tough but So are you|

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Life is tough, but so are you

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Life is tough, but so are you

Life is full of difficulties,
Depression and casualties.
But as Sun shines bright in the sky,
Make it disappear, your dark side.

Life is full of misery,
Everyone has secrets to bury.
But despite it, we learn to respect,
Because only the strong will be left.

Life is a match of survival of the fittest,
You have to fight, no matter how much you detest.
It will be worth it in the end,
Because you'll know in the direction of the life you have to bend.

Life is tough, but so are you,
Remember to stay to yourself true.
Don't give up, stay on and fight,
Because after darkness, there is always light.

Hey dears

Here is a short poem by mirabelle_lockhart18

Hope it was helpful.

Thank you.

Stay safe. Take care. Love yourself. Spread positivity.

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