| Every thing happens for a reason |

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Starting with today's topic : Everything happens for a reason

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Starting with today's topic : Everything happens for a reason.

Be grateful for whoever come into your life,
Because each one is sent as a guide from the Almighty!

Explanation :
Every person we meet there is some reason, that person might be our friends or someone strangers, not only our friends teaches lessons but sometimes strangers also teaches some lessons.
Once a billionaire  was passing through a traffic signal and a begger begs some money from him he gets angry and shouts  on him, then a physical handicapped man gives some money to begger then the billionaire who was shocked thought that if he is giving him money then why can't I ? He called begger return and gives money to him.
Sometimes we meet different people in life, some people are good for us and some people are bad but both teach us some lessons of life, may be these people met us by god, he want to give lessons us that's why be grateful with that person.

Here is a short tale about the quote

There was a boy, he was in love with a girl. The girl cheated on the boy, from the same day he started drinking alcohol. 
The boy was drunk day and night. His parents explained him a lot but did that boy did not consider them.
While he was sitting on the beach drinking wine, a saint came to him.  He asked the boy why do you drink alcohol?  The boy told the saint everything. 
The saint advised him why you drink alcohol!  If the girl who does not love you, why do you waste the rest of your life behind that girl?  Do something that makes him feel sorry for him.  Understand the lessons of your life so that the world can see. 
The saint's talk sat on the boy's mind. He gave up alcohol the next day, a short time later the boy became the owner of a very large company.  Once a girl came to that company to find a job, and that girl was his girlfriend who cheated on him. 
The boy seated the girl and gave her a job, the boy thanked the girl that if you did not cheat me I would not be in this place today.
So this story is about that whoever comes in your life, they come to teach you some lessons, Be Grateful for whoever comes in your life, because each has been sent as a guide from above.

That's all for today!
Work for your goals! Everything happens for a reason that might be good or bad. Try to take things positively!

Stay happy and smiling. Ever wish to rant out to someone. Our dms are open.

Thank you for reading!
Do share with your friends if you find it helpful.

Credits to : MILAN_27

Thank you

Thank you- TEEN FIX

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