Be A Lion

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Hey everyone, We are here back with an update. So you all are thinking about the title BE A LION means that face any situation like a lion, don't back out on any situations. Be fierce, courageous. Face the situation and dont back out no matter how tough it is.

Here are some quotes to motivate you all:


"For every dark night there is a brighter day."

-Tupac Shakur

Explanation :

This beautiful quote describes how to start your day. Good times and bad times both keep on coming and going. So always remember that there is a bright day after a dark night. You should be optimistic enough to think on the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best. Always love your work.


"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."


Whatever we receive, is the result of our thoughts. All the achievements are the result of our attitude and power of thinking. Miracles take place in our mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest until you achieve your goals.


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."

-Henry David Thoreau

Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as an animal. So the best in life comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of world.You are stronger than you think.This is a truly empowering motivational quote, especially for all those in the world who are suffering from an inferiority complex influenced elements in society and sometimes families. Just because the world around you is mediocre does not mean you'll have to be one of them forever. You have every right to discover your true potential. Rise higher than your surrounding and achieve greatness no matter what people may tell you. Just believe that you are stronger than you feel and are meant for greater things.


"The obstacle is the path."

~Zen proverb

The struggles and problems we face at work and home should not be something to complain about. The very obstacle that we whine about is the path of life where we all have to walk. No one promised you that life would be a smooth ride or a cake-walk, it has its trials and tribulations. It also has its success and failures. You must enjoy this ride because there is no alternate way or short cut. It will all be over even before you realize it. So just stop whining and keep marching ahead.

 So just stop whining and keep marching ahead

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We hope this will help you!

Have a great day, Keep smiling and stay strong.

Teen Fix Success Mantra Team

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