042 | why study when you can kiss and makeout?

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run away.
what a powerful instinct

"DO WE REALLY HAVE TO STUDY NOW?" whined Koutarou Bokuto, hunched over the table with his cheeks flat against the cool surface

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"DO WE REALLY HAVE TO STUDY NOW?" whined Koutarou Bokuto, hunched over the table with his cheeks flat against the cool surface. He glared childishly at the open textbook beside him.

"Yes," replied Akaashi, jotting notes into his notebook. "Just because nationals are coming up, does not mean you can avoid studying."

"But it's so boring. And hard!"

Sat on the couch, chuckles escaped Mizuki, lowering the book in her hand in favour of looking at the male. "I'll help you, Koutarou," she said, watching as he perked up. "What subject are you studying?"

His hair deflated. "Maths."

Mizuki's lips quirked upwards, and she slid off the couch, sitting between both boys. "Here." She grabbed the textbook, reading over the question he was working on. "You'll need to substitute the numbers into the formula."

"Which formula? There are so manyyy!"

Mizuki shook her head in amusement.

"This one." She wrote the formula down in pencil, helping him figure out which numbers to add in. "Just take it step by step, Kou. It becomes easier the more your practice."

He bit back his complaints, sitting up to actually try to understand what his soulmate was teaching him. It took a while, but Mizuki managed to explain the question in a way that he could understand it.

"Is it -4.56?"

"That's correct."

A cheer slipped past his lips, eyes sparkling under the lights of his house. He snapped his gaze over to Mizuki, adoration swirling in those golden orbs. "Is there anything you can't do?"

Gather up my wits and kiss you, she thought, unaware she vocalized her thoughts. She continued looking over the other questions in Bokuto's book, moments of silence passing. She glanced up in confusion, seeing the male staring at her with enlarged bright eyes.

Realisation poured onto her.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Bokuto nodded, and Mizuki flushed profusely.

Her breathing sounded too loud. Her heart was beating too quickly. Oh goodness, what had she done? She blamed her stupid, stupid mouth. Her stupid honesty. Her stupid truth.

That was a mistake. A huge mistake. She was sitting there stark nakednot literally though. But that was how she felt. A tremble wormed through her body, poking and prodding at her nerves. Her eyes flashed to the male, meeting his gaze. Terror rushed through her. His gaze was dark, and his breathing grew deeper.

She cleared her throat, "um I mean, uh..."

Koutarou's face broke out into a vivacious grin, and he dove towards Mizuki, caging her in his arms. She stared up at him in shock, hands falling to her side as he peered down at her. He slowly lowered his head, and her eyes fluttered shut, accepting the kiss and meeting him halfway.

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