050 | butler mizuki

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she's fire and ice.
you'll fear the cold and crave the burn

WITH NATIONALS FINISHED, the volleyball season came to an end, and thus was their return to school

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WITH NATIONALS FINISHED, the volleyball season came to an end, and thus was their return to school. Mizuki started putting all her focus into her studies, taking a break from the volleyball team. The boys understood, and the other third years followed suit. This was their last year. They needed to work hard to get into their desired universities.

Today, however, was a break from studies for the whole school. Today was their school carnival.

The week before, Mizuki's class took the time during homeroom to plan out what they would be doing. She sat at the back, settled comfortably in her usual seat. Shockingly, instead of a book in her hand, Mizuki was scrolling through her phone, more accurately, her messages.

tetsuro kuroo
Do you know why dark is spelt with a k and not a c?

koutarou bokuto

tetsuro kuroo
Because you can't c in the dark

Mizuki rose her eyebrows at the notification that shortly followed the text.

[tetsuro kuroo has been removed from the groupchat]

i think that may be a bit too much, kenma.

keiji akaashi
It was the right decision.

koutarou bokuto

"Sayeko? What do you think?" asked one of the girls, pulling Mizuki's attention away from the device cradled in her hand, her new book, Crime and Punishment, sitting idly on the side of her desk.

Mizuki put her phone away. "Sorry?"

Her classmates stared at her incredulously. Instead of opting to read, the girl was looking at her phone— she was smiling at her phone! That alone shocked them. When had they, in their three years of knowing her, of studying beside her, seen her smile like that?


"The boys want to do a maid cafe," said Akane, one of the girls in her class, someone who had seen how Mizuki was nothing but human. She was not an Ice Queen, nor was she some celestial being. She was just she Mizuki Sayeko. Nothing more, nothing less.

A hum escaped her lips, tapping her chin in a thoughtful manner. "I think that would be a good idea," she answered, the girls gasping in shock whilst the boys cheered, pumping their fists in the air. They knew that if Mizuki agreed on their theme, it was going to be the final one.


"However," she interrupted, calming down the hurricane of emotions each student was feeling. "I recommend doing a reverse cafe."

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