031 | please wait to marry sugawara

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her wings unfolded

HINATA RAN EXCITEDLY TO THE BENCH, his eyes ringed with gold, a mirror of the great ball of fire shining brilliantly above the world

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HINATA RAN EXCITEDLY TO THE BENCH, his eyes ringed with gold, a mirror of the great ball of fire shining brilliantly above the world. "Mizuki-senpai!" he called, leaping towards her to the reflection of the moon, stepping back to let the sun shine. Mizuki gasped as they were sent tumbling down, the collision of her back hitting the floor striking a pain through her.

"O-Oi, Hinata!" Asahi exclaimed, eyes wide with worry as he watched the scene before him. The other players also panicked, worried that the stoic female would burst and scold the young teenager.

Mizuki's eyes fluttered open, connecting with Hinata's. Those same chocolate brown eyes invigorated her due to the animalistic sensations they bore when the human tangerine spoke about volleyball. The lavenderette chuckled, unable to keep her serious facade. Her eyes glinted in amusement and she shook her head, her laughter mellifluous, calming the air surrounding the court.

The boys noticed how her laugh was free and pure, the sweet, joyful sound bouncing off the walls, a titter rippling across an otherwise silent gymnasium. It warmed their beings, quirking their lips up.

"Well done," she said genuinely, reaching up to brush back the orange hair that stuck to the male's face, ignoring the sweat that lingered.

Hinata broke out into a wide grin, shining like stars after dark, with no city lights to dim them. In that moment, time stopped to stare and admire them. They say that if two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection even when all hope seemed to be lost. Certain ties cannot be broken. They define who we are and who we can become. Across space, among paths we cannot predict nature always finds a way.

Mizuki and Hinata did not have marks imprinted onto their skin, rather, they were imprinted onto their hearts, joining them together with a bond they felt whole-heartedly. As family. As siblings.

"Now, hurry up and get off me. The floor is dirty." Hinata, realising their position, scrambled off her. He extended his arm out to the lavender-haired girl. Those that watched could only smile at the scene, watching as the sun and moon collided, a beautiful eclipse happening right before their eyes. Mizuki took it, letting him pull her up from the floor.

She resumed her position beside Kiyoko, the two and their coaches giving up their position on the bench so the boys could rest. "The last set...I'm thinking about starting with Sugawara," informed Coach Ukai, glancing at the setter.

"Hai!" Sugawara nodded. As everyone cheered him on, he looked at his hands, clasping them together and bringing them to his lips, where he blew on them. Mizuki could see that the boy was nervous, his worry etched onto his face as clear as day. So, she placed the water bottles on the ground and walked up the male.

Warm hands clasped Sugawara's.

The grey-haired male opened his eyes, and upon realising that Mizuki was holding his hands, warming them up for him, he short-circuited.

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