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"Okay then.... I am going to get ready.... I have to go to give tuition" jisoo said and went to her room. She the took a quick shower and walk to the place where the classes are held.

"Jisoo today there is a new student.... she will be going to your class" wendy who is also a tuition teacher there told to jisoo.

"Okay.... do you perhaps know who that student is" jisoo ask.

"I think she is from another country.... from the way boss talk I think she be coming here for a month" wendy said.

"Okay.... let's start now" jisoo said and went to the class that she had to go. She used to teach to total of twelve students but today with the new student there will be thirteen.

"Teacher.... why you dress like that" jisoo who was making the attendance look at the side where the sound came from. As she saw the girl who ask that her eyes widen. That was non other than the girl she met today morning. But she hide the fact she was shocked and bring a smile to her face.

"What you ask.... do this dress looks bad in me" jisoo ask sweetly. "No.... but my mom also dress like that" the girl said.

"Really.... then I have to meet your mother today.... you mother will come to take you home right" jisoo said smiling. As jisoo said that without answering the girl look down. With that action jisoo knew she had asked some thing she don't have to ask.

"My mom is not here.... my dad told me my mom will never come" the girl said slowly after sometimes. Jisoo felt sad from the way the girl said that.

"Oops.... I am sorry.... come here" jisoo said and the girl get up from the chair to fo to jisoo. But as she got up jisoo took her. At that time the other students were doing the work that she gave to them yesterday.

"What is the name of my beautiful student" jisoo ask. "Yeji" the girl said.

"Wow.... such a beautiful name.... I wish I also had that kind of beautiful name.... so let's switch both of our nsmes" jisoo said.

"No no.... this is daddy's favourite name.... if I switch teacher will get all the toys instead of me" yeji said. Now her that sad ness was gone and jisoo couldn't help but laugh at the her cuteness. Yeji also laugh joining jisoo.

That day class yeji also stay with jisoo. Jisoo also felt happy this girl who make her remind of ryujin is with her.

The class time finish and the parent came to take there children home. As the parents came all the students said good bye to jisoo and went there parents. At that time also yeji stayed there holding jisoo's hand.

Jisoo who was looking at the door saw the woman who standing infront of the door. She had never seen that woman before and she clearly saw the shocked expression on her face. But on the next second she came towards jisoo and yeji smiling. At that time also yeji was talking to her about something but jisoo was looking at the woman who was coming towards her.

"Yeji let's go" the woman came and hold yeji's free hand as she sad that and smile. From that smile also jisoo knew that she was a good woman.

"Grandma... I still want to stay with the teacher.... she is really funny" yeji said.

"But today it is now the time to go home.... you come again tomorrow" yeji's grandma said and again hold yeji's hand to go. At that time yeji let go jisoo's hand hold her legs. With this action of yeji her grand laugh a little at the same time she was shocked. On the another hand jisoo was nervous at yeji's this behaviour. So she quickly sit at the same level of yeji and hold her shoulders lightly.

"Sweetie.... you are a good girl right... good girls will not be like this.... your grandma will be so sad when you behave like this.... so go home now.... and come again here tomorrow okay.... if you don't come then I will miss you a lot... and I will be sad too" jisoo said.

"I will not make teacher and I will even be a good girl.... wait okay" yeji and and started to search inside the bag she was holding. She then took a small pink toy dolphin from the bag.

"I will surely come tomorrow.... pinky promise" yeji sad as she pit the toy inside jisoo's hand. When yeji said like that with out knowing jisoo hugged her. At that ti.e she even forget about yeji's grandma who was there.

After going out with her grandmother also yeji again ran to jisoo and hug her one more time and said bye to her. Jisoo was so shocked seeing yeji being this close to her with only a day as they met each other. Because of this she wanted to know more about yeji as she knew yeji so different from all the students.

As all the day today also at evening jisoo and lisa was at the park near the house. At that time people of different age of filled the park.

"Lis.... now a days you are having too much headache" jisoo said smiling a flower.

"Yea.... I know.... today mom also gave me a lecture saying it is because I ate medicine with out going to a doctor.... I think my lovly taeyeon is getting old as she is now also getting so angry this fast" lisa said and laugh and also laugh a little.

"Taeyeon.... yaadid you forget that she is your mother.... if you again call her like that I am going to cut your ear off" jisoo said.

"Oops.... I am scared now.... but didn't I call taeyeon so lovly" lisa said.

"Hmm.... when she hear you calling her as taeyeon she will show you how lovly she is.... so like aunt say go to a doctor" jisoo said.

"Okay okay.... I have to go it is my soo Unnie who is aking me to" lisa said.

"Aish.... what is this water in my face now" lisa got shocked and said when some water hit her face. She quickly touch her face and small. For her relief there was no smell. The water because a chd there throw some water. When jisoo saw what happen to lisa she started to laugh.

1095 words

Sorry for late update

To be continue

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