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With that anger taeyong got up from the bed and hold jisoo's elbow making her face him as jisoo was about go out. With this sudden act jisoo got shocked. Any one who looks at he will see how tensed she is.

"Jisoo what are you thinking.... after knowing all my stories also I never thought you would fell for me.... but again today I will tell you something I told you again.... the woman I only love is my ex wife.... I will never love other woman... I after getting married maybe you may can have me but you will never have my love" taeyong said and push jisoo which made her hit on the opened door. Jisoo look at taeyong to one more time and quickly walk away from there.

The next day. At that day evening jisoo went seulgi house because now a days taeyong's anger towards her is getting more and more.

Jisoo rang the door bell and taeyong's stories came to her mind. He told her how that family members are. He even told her in that house there will be seulgi her parents and her brother Tony.

After few minutes the door open and jisoo saw a woman who is likely to he in her last forties. And jisoo predict her as seulgi's mother.

"Who are you" the woman ask. "Umm can I meet seulgi" jisoo ask.

The woman nodded looking at jisoo with questioning look. She then open the door wider and ask jisoo to come inside. Jisoo follow the lady inside the house and saw another two man in the living room. A man who looks he is in his fifties and other one who looks he is in his twenties.

Jisoo open the door the lady showed and went in. At that time seulgi was laying on the bed. Jisoo saw how different this seulgi looks from the seulgi she saw from the photos taeyong showed her. With the first look also jisoo knew seulgi was living with sadness just like taeyong. At that time jisoo's mind told her that there must be some kind of reason with taeyong and seulgi's divorce. But what she don't know was the reason.

"Hi I am jisoo" jisoo said.

"I have never met you before" seulgi said.

"Yea this is the first time I came to daegu.... and do you know why.... I came here to marry taeyong" jisoo said. With jisoo's words seulgi got shocked and look at another side. With that also jisoo knew seulgi still loves taeyong.

"Why did you came here to tell me.... he is not my husband anymore" seulgi said. Jisoo knew how much seulgi was trying to bring anger to her voice. But jisoo saw how hurt seulgi is with the news she just gave. Jisoo was studying all of it. She purposefully told seulgi that to see how she will react.

"To see your reaction.... to know if you can stay her not giving yeji her mother's love.... do you know every day yeji is wanting her mother to come to her and her dad.... why are you staying away when you are also suffering just like taeyong" jisoo said standing infront of seulgi. Seulgi just look down not knowing what say.

Yes this is the truth. Seulgi couldn't get over this all this days. She never forget the time she spends with taeyong and yeji. But she never knew taeyong was also suffering just like her. She only knew it now when jisoo told to her. She thought now taeyong will forget about her and will move on.

"Yaa.... who are you.... are you a lawyer or something that taeyong paid" both jisoo and seulgi got shocked and look at the door to see seulgi's mother at the door.

"The taeyong you can talking about got married to seulgi with out us wanting to and took her to his house.... he the divorce her and destroyed her life.... know seulgi will know there us a reason that we didn't want her to marry taeyong in the first place... I am sure tiffany is the one who made that man enter the house that day also.... there are not too good people.... so there is the door you enterd... when I say nicly go out" seulgi's mother said.

"No seulgi.... taeyong's family will not do a thing like that... you will also know about them as you had also lived with them... there is something else in this.... seulgi please come back to yeji's life.... she wait all dat for you to come back to her.... seulgi just like you love taeyong, taeyong also love you... all these day taeyong didn't even look at another woman.... so please seulgi...." jisoo came to a stop when Tony hold her elbow and walk out of the room.

"Didn't you hear when my other ask you to go nicly.... it will be better if you go home with out wasting any more time.... you are just wasting your time.... seulgi will never go to taeyong again" Tony said angrily.

"Seulgi please think about this.... I will come back tomorrow again.... I will come till taeyong gets his love and yeji gets her mother" jisoo said loudly while trying to get out of Tony's hold. At that time seulgi was standing infront of the door like a statue. Tony went out push jisoo out of the house with made her fell.

"Remember this.... when I get angry I will not think about a man or a woman,  old people or child.... I will not think twice even to kill a person.... so save your self and quickly go from here" Tony said pointing his index finger towards jisoo and went inside the house.

For some minutes jisoo look at that house and start to walk back to taeyong's house. She promised to her self that she will come here till the day seulgi will again go back to taeyong. So she is not scared of Tony's warning.

1007 words.

To be continue

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