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After the dinner all the elders want to library to discuss some thing so jin, chaeyoung, jimin and jennie went to taehyung. They saw taehyung in the terrace doing some works in his laptop.

So not to not to disturb taehyung jimin and jennie went and sit on the sofa where jin and chaeyoung stand near the railing look down at the road full of vehicles.

"What will happen when we meet soo tomorrow" chaeyoung said looking at the black sky.

"Yeah.... and I don't know how she will react when she sees us" jin said.

"Jin... is tae telling truth.... is jisoo living in a difficult life" chaeyoung aak and jin also remembered what taehyung said before.

"If it us then.... we will bring one way or another" jin said and chaeyoung nodded.

"Jimin I think jisoo will be really changed.... now also I can't wait to see her tomorrow" jennie said.

"I don't think so.... but let's see tomorrow if she is changed or not" jimin said. Jimin also happy knowing the smile that lost from jin, chaeyoung and jennie's face will come back when jisoo comes.

Even though taehyung was giving his full attention to the laptop, jisoo's memories are eating his mind. Taehyung was doing his best, not to it from his face.

Even though jisoo memories make him mad when jisoo comes back he will show jisoo his anger. Or otherwise taehyung knows it will be difficult for his to stay with jisoo.

His heart and brain was warning him that it is not the best day. But at a corner of his heart still there is the pain jisoo gave to him. He is even angry at destiny for making them meet like that.





The next day. At early morning they all flew to daegu in taemin's private flight. Taehyung didn't want to go but he ended up going as yoona ask him to as he couldn't say no to his mother.

As they went a person from daegu guided them to taeyong's house as he told them that jisoo lives in a doctor's house.

Jisoo who was dust from the small park like area infront of the house went to open the door as some one rang the bell.

As she open the door her eyes got widen and the dust cleaner on her hand fell down as she saw who was infront of the door.

"Won't you invite us in" yoona ask and jisoo nodded her head as she show them in. She never thought she would met them again. They will only know she is in daegu when taehyung told them.

Just like jisoo the others are also in a shock to see how much jisoo have changed. They kind of didn't want to believe it is jisoo.

They all first also noticed the silence from jisoo which made them really sad.

"Jisoo.... please forgive me" jaehin said first hugging jisoo.

"I know even if I say like this.... it won't be easy for you to forgive me.... that is why I wasn't able to come infront of you all these days.... but today even if you are angry also we will take you back" jaehin added.

"Hey.... you are my elder cousin.... you don't ever have to ask forgiveness from me" jisoo said and jaehin became more sad. After all what he said and done still jisoo is ready to forgive him. At that time jaehin knew his cousin is truly an angle.

"But I still want your forgiveness" jaehin said moving away from jisoo as he caressed her hair. Jisoo nodded are head smiling.

At that time minzy came and hug jisoo tightly. After a moment she let go and look at jisoo briefly as tears started to fosm in her eyes. Minzy then went away from jisoo as she knew she can't control her tears anymore. Jisoo look at minzy walking away but she look down to the ground when yoona and taemin stand infront of her.

"Jisoo.... today we understand that night we made the decision really unfairly.... please give us a chance and let us correct the mistakes we made that day.... actually we should let you talk that night.... only after that we had to take a decision.... but what happened has happened.... and it is better not to talk about it anymore.... but I am really sorry about it" yoona said holding jisoo's face making jisoo look at her.

"That is true jisoo.... if you are going to forgive us then let's go with us.... we came here to take you back" taemin said.

"We will believe you forgive us only when you go back with us" irene said standing next to jisoo.

Jisoo look at jin, chaeyoung,  jimin and jennie who are standing little far from her looking at her. Taehyung was also behind them looking at her. But as there eyes met taehyung walk out of the house.

Not to show she was hurt by taehyung's this behaviour jisoo walk towards the others. Before she could stand next to them jin hold her and pulled her towards him as he hug her tightly.

"Sooyaa please forgive me.... forgive me for each day that past.... but I can't take this anymore.... what ever happened you are still my cousin.... it would never change.... so don't say no and come with us.... no today I will take you back forcefully also" jin said and jisoo also cried. At that time others are also in a same state. When they saw jisoo they all knew they are already late.

"We missed you soo.... you don't know how we tried to look for you.... then you can't leave us ever" jennie said as she and chaeyoung hugged jisoo.

"I will not even let you leave us.... tell us you won't leave us again" chaeyoung said and jisoo nodded to make her two close friends happy. By looking at them also jisoo knew they both haven't forget her and she is happy about it.

"Welcome back" jimin said taking his hand up as jisoo move away from jennie and chaeyoung. Jisoo smile in tears as jimin said that and highfived him.

"Give us the permission to take jisoo back.... and thank you so much for taking a good care of her"

1054 words

To be continue

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