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That was a time both of them knew still there hearts beats for each other. They both had to to end there stares from each other when Tony came and start to pull jisoo. Jisoo who is in shock to see taehyung didn't understand what to do to get out of Tony's grip. She got more shocked when taehyung came and hold her hand which made it difficult for Tony to pull her.

"Leave her hand.... I sad leave her hand" taehyung said. At that time there was pure anger in his eyes.

Actually taehyung don't want to be close to jisoo but when he was jisoo is getting heart he can't just let her be. Even though at that time he wanted to go far away the love in his heart for jisoo forced him to come and hold her hand. But his it hurt his heart to see the state jisoo is in.

"Who are you to save her.... this problem is between me and jisoo.... so don't come between this.... you still don't really know who I am and what I am capable of doing" Tony said.

Taehyung didn't even got a bit scared by the warning from Tony. Instead jisoo was the one who got scared. Why won't she. Now she also know how Tony is. So why won't she get scared when Tony gives a warning to the love of her life.

"Taehyung leave my hand.... taehyung I am telling you to leave my hand" jisoo said. Taehyung got hurt by jisoo's words but didn't show it on his face.

"No jisoo.... I will not just let him hurt you" taehyung said getting angry.

"I am the one telling you to leave my hand.... not any other person.... so taehyung don't act like you know me" jisoo said and taehyung didn't know what to say. But taehyung felt differently when he the tears in her eyes. At that time jisoo was wishing that taehyung would understand the reason why she is doing this.

Taehyung leave jisoo hand after a moment, not wanting to leave. It was a moment a stranger who knows the love between them would also get sad. Both of them have love for each other in their hearts but didn't show that love in their face.

"Find where he lives.... today we need to teach him a lesson" Tony told to her friends while pulling jisoo with him.

"Don't touch him" Tony and his friends got really shocked when jisoo said that loudly. In the shock Tony even let go of jisoo's hand. He was shocked to see this side of jisoo. In this two months also Tony haven't seen this side of jisoo.

"If you even touch him then I will he your worst nightmare.... you can do what ever you want to me.... he came between this to defend me.... so I will be the one to get the punishment right" jisoo said. She is so scared that anything might happen to taehyung.

"Oh really.... who is he.... is he your father" Tony said laughing which made his friends also to laugh. But Tony clearly saw how jisoo look down to the ground when he says that.

"Just like taeyong and seulgi he is my lover.... you might not understand..... but i know how painful it is caz i am also in a situation as them.... there are so many times I thought about killing myself.... but I have a small hope that one day I will have my love.... I am sure seulgi will also" jisoo said and this time also Tony started to laugh.

"Those are all stupid stories.... are that happen in films.... seulgi don't live in film world.... I have never seen seulgi cry.... now she don't want to cry for that taeyong" Tony said still laughing.

"Being in pain and sadness doesn't mean she have to cry infront of people.... even though tears don't comes in her eyes her heart will cry.... moreover did you even ask seulgi once what she wanted.... even though you are a bad person I am sure you will care for you sister.... go and ask her what she want.... thank God she still didn't kill her self" jisoo said being angry.

Jisoo said and walk away leaving taehyung in deep thoughts. He don't want to believe jisoo. He don't want to believe his sister is still in pain. But like jisoo said will seulgi wanted to kill her self. Like jisoo said he care for his sister. So he will look into that. I  that thought he stated to walk to home hoping it will not be like jisoo says. When he enters the house all were there. Tony walk and stand right infront of seulgi.

"Do you still love taeyong.... don't lie and tell me the truth.... you still want him" seulgi couldn't answer the question and she look down. From that that Tony knew the answer and hold his hair tightly.

He got the answer. Jisoo is right. Why didn't he understand this. He never ask seulgi what she want and did what his mother said. He have done a big mistake. He mother told him that seulgi don't want to live with taeyong. It means with out knowing also he had hurt his sister a lot.

"Tony what is wrong with you now" his mother said Tony didn't care about that. Instead he want to tell seulgi every thing.

"That day it was mother's plan.... so I purposefully paid that boy to go into your room at the time taeyong will come.... it was really successful.... but I don't want it anymore.... you may think I don't care about you..... but I do really care about you.... and I did that because mom told me it is what you want" Tony said and told seulgi what exactly happened. Seulgi was like a statue when she learn the truth. She didn't want belive what she is hearing. Who would think that a mother would ruin her own daughter's life. But sadly even though you don't want to belive today it was seulgi's mother who ruined her life.

1030 words.

Maybe there will be one more update today.

To be continue

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