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"Don't be shocked.... you guys are going to see this scene every day from now" taehyung said bringing jin and jimin back to reality. They both look at irene and irene shook her head signalling them not to ruin taehyung's this happy moment. Chaeyoung and jennie didn't understand what is happening as they don't know taehyung don't hold kids before. But maybe they understand something from the room atmosphere, none of the both didn't ask a question.

"Hehe.... tae you didn't even tell us when you came here.... you could have told us" jimin said and sit next to taehyung. The another four also came and sot on the couch.

"So you have to treat us now because you didn't told us came here alone" jennie said. With that also irene and jinyoung understand how much the four is trying to also keep taehyung with them.

"It's not a problem ... I can treat you from any restaurant you want and anything you wants" taehyung said.

"Okay now you have said it.... tomorrow night you have to treat us.... and don't start to cry when you sees the bill" jennie said. When jennie said that both irene and jinyoung also laughed joining the them.

"Okay.... I will see how much you can eat jen" taehyung said putting the baby on jin arms as he got up from the couch.

At that time a nurse came in and before the door got closed they all heard someone calling jisoo. When they heard that name they all got shocked. Taehyung was at shocked the most.

With out taehyung knowing he ran out of the room. The others know taehyung don't know what he was doing as they all know taehyung will not do that if he is in his right sense. And they all now the true love in taehyung heart for jisoo.

Taehyung check the whole corridor but he couldn't see jisoo there. So he came back and open the room to see the hopeful faces but when the others saw taehyung's dejected face their smile also go away.

But at that time a woman came out of the room infront of that room and called to jisoo and ask her to come. Taehyung turned around to look and the another three came to the door. Jin couldn't go as he was holding the baby and jinyoung also couldn't go as irene was holding his hands.

An almost nine year old girl came out whose name was also jisoo. And there hopeful faces tured to sarrow. Taehyung was feeling more sad than the others. They all look at taehyung and clearly saw the tearful eyes of him. Even though taehyung shows from his actions and words that he hate jisoo this moment proofs how much he still loves jisoo. Irene also got hurt seeing her brother in pain.

Taehyung got angry at his self for acting like that when he shows that he hate jisoo. Now they all will now he don't hate her but still he loves her. This is all because of jisoo. The problem is the unchanging love for jisoo in his heart. He hide that love from the whole world and from his actions and words he shows he only hate jisoo. But why he acted like this today.

Because of the pain and the anger he was feeling right now the colours of taehyung's face changed. And before any one could day any thing he started to walk out of the hospital. As he came out of the hospital taehyung went in to his private car and started to drive to God knows where. After driving for minutes he stops the car near a beach. At that time a person who sees his eyes will surely die. His eyes consist of mixed feeling love hate and anger as tears were filling his eyes and it feels like the tears might come out at any time soon. When he again remembered about today's incident he hit started to hit on the wheel.

"I hate you jisoo.... I hate you" taehyung shouted but from his eyes it showed complete opposite. From his eyes it showed he is thirsty for love. Not any person but of his lover jisoo's love. He is trying so hard to erase that love from hate and anger towards jisoo but sadly still that love is growing inside his heart. Taehyung close his eyes and rested his back on car seat to control calm his self down.





Lisa came out of the house when he couldn't see jisoo inside the house. As she came out she saw jisoo sitting on a long chair at a side of the house. Jisoo was putting her laptop on her lap as she was busy looking at the screen. As lisa call her jisoo quickly close the laptop like she saw caught stealing.

"Why you are sitting on the dark not switching on the light" lisa ask sitting on the chair infront of jisoo.

"The moom light is enough" jisoo said looking up the sky to the moon and stars.

"By the way.... taeyong is really hot right" lisa said excitedly and jisoo smiled.

"Hmm.... really handsome and even smart.... why... do you perhaps like him" jisoo said and ask looking at lisa.

"Even though I like how can I get him.... he is some one's husband and a father of a daughter.... but I am sure all the girls who are at the park today and saw him then some thing had surely happen to there heart" lisa said.

"Really.... then what am I.... I am also a girl.... but nothing had happened to my heart.... by the way I don't know what happen but his wife is not with him.... maybe she passed away we don't know.... so you still have a chance lis" jisoo said.

"Really.... bit I am thinking I you like taeyong then I will make you both together and plus his daughter is also so in you" lisa said.

"Hehe lis.... I don't have any feeling for taeyong" jisoo said.

"Really... okay then let's play a game" lisa side. "And why you suddenly wanted play a game now" jisoo ask.

"It's nothing.... let's play... you have to say a word that is similar to the word I am saying for example when I ask tree you can say flower" lisa explained.

"Okay let's give a try" jisoo said. Lisa felt so happy that jisoo agreed this easily.

"Okay start.... moon"







"Love" as jisoo said this word she widen her eyes and look at lisa who is now looking her. She look at lisa because lisa said taehyung's name. From the way lisa said it jisoo knew that name didn't pop up to lisa's name at that time.

Lisa was looking at jisoo every action. So she clearly so what happen to jisoo.

"So who is taehyung"

1159 words

To be continue

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