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"Yaa.... unnie are in the world" nayeon said and irene came out of her own world. At that time irene actually got off guard but she hide it by laughing.

"Lia's Korean name is jisoo" irene said and nayeon got really shocked.

"What.... are you sure this baby's name is jisoo" nayeon ask. She couldn't belive it. More like she don't want to believe it. Nayeon knew because of that name taehyung will be the one who will get hurt. So for sure irene will not give her daughter a name which will hurt taehyung.

"How about tae.... is he okay with the name" nayeon ask. "Tae is the one who gave the name" irene said and told nayeon what happen that day.

Days passes and there were different colours in different people life. Jennie and chaeyoung is also working so hard in their studies as this is their last year of high school. Jimin is continuing his studies in collage where jin is working at his father office at the same time doing an online course. Their life had changed this much.

But like before now also they used find time and come together. And if taehyung is not there they will always talk about jisoo. They even think to ask jisoo's mother. For sure jisoo's mother will know where jisoo is. But if they ask jisoo's mother surely jaehin will know about it and they all know it is not good.

Right now jennie and chaeyoung are in chaeyoung house to do group studies as there exams are really near.

At that time a call came and jennie look at the phone.

"Chae look it is a call from unknown number.... should I pick up" jennie ask.

"Yes... I think you should pick up" chaeyoung said. But at the time jennie was going to pick up the call ended. But at the next second again that person call and jennie quickly pick the phone up.

"Hello are you jennie"

"Yes I am.... who are you"

"My name is lisa.... jisoo lived in our house" as lisa said this jennie got up from the chair being all excited.

"Lisa where is jisoo"

"This is actually not my phone.... when I call to jisoo's mother and ask her to give one of jisoo's friends number your number is the she gave.... actually I can't tell everything now.... I will call later..... but jisoo is in daegu right now.... find her" as lisa said this the call got cut off.

Aa the call end jennie hugged chaeyoung really tightly. Jennie was almost crying. After so many months they finally got an information about jisoo.

"Jennie tell me what did that person said" chaeyoung ask. She know it was about jisoo but she don't know what it actually was.

"Chae.... lisa just told us where jisoo is.... jisoo stayed at lisa's house.... she said she will call later.... but this much enough for me.... chae i am so happy to know where jisoo is" jennie said with a big smile.

"Jennie let's call jin and jimin.... they would also be so happy" chaeyoung said as she dail to jin's number.

But when chaeyoung call jin for five six time also jin was busying the call. Chaeyoung don't think jin have to busy then find jisoo, Jim own cousin. Being angry also chaeyoung kept on calling jin.

Jin the other hand jin was also getting angry that chaeyoung kept on calling after he kept in busying4the call. Shouldn't chaeyoung know that he is busy. He also take chaeyoung call if he is not busy.

At that time jin was actually in an important meeting. But because of chaeyoung the meeting was getting disturbed. So he excuse his self and went out of the meeting.

"Chae.... what is wrong with you.... don't you know that I am busy that I am not answering your call.... so why are you non stop calling"  after picking the call up jin said with out giving chaeyoung a chance to talk.

"Shut up jin just shut up" Jim got shocked when chaeyoung said that. Chaeyoung have never used that kind of word while talking to him. More over he gave never heard chaeyoung talking like that to any one.

"Jin I will be calling because of something important than your busyness.... can't you understand that.... okay fine.... now I know jisoo is not important to you.... so after finishing what ever you are doing call me.... it okay if it is tomorrow also" chaeyoung said and cut the call.

Jin stand there forgetting to remove the phone from his ear. Slowly his brain was understanding what chaeyoung said just now. Jin took time even to understand chaeyoung even said jisoo.

But as he understands what chaeyoung just talk about he didn't even know where he us at. He told everyone that the meeting is cancelled and with out saying one more word he left the room.

For jin jisoo is much more important than the meeting. With out think ge quickly drove over to chaeyoung house. When jin went to chaeyoung house jimin was also there. Jin went and hold chaeyoung shoulders as he made chaeyoung stand up and face him.

"Chae where is jisoo.... tell me where is jisoo.... did jisoo came to this house" jin ask. At that time also chaeyoung was looking at the floor.

"Chae I got angry because you kept on calling when I was in a meeting.... please forgive me" jin said in a low voice.

"I am also sorry that I talk to you like that.... it is because I was so excited to find jisoo.... sorry" as chaeyoung said that jin pulled chaeyoung towards him and hug her.

"So now we know where jisoo is.... so let's make a plan" jimin said when jin and chaeyoung part away and jennie nodded.

"Yea... wait I will call yoona aunty.... aunty said she and noona also want to bring jisoo back now.... she told it will not be a problem to bring jisoo to taehyung's life as sehun has now moved on with life.... she even said she had talk to sehun about this already.... so we have to let yoona aunty know" jin said and quickly call yoona.

1047 words

To be continue

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