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"Wow nice name.... by the way I am taeyong" taeyong said with a smile and jisoo got shocked. She again remember about taehyung too much. Maybe it is because both of their names a really similar. Taeyong didn't see the changes in jisoo face as he was shaking hands with lisa at that time.

"Taehyung" with out knowing that name came out of her mouth.

"No no not taehyung..... taeyong" taeyong said. He thought she heard him saying taeyong. She quickly said sorry and smile at him. But lisa who was standing next to jisoo so all the colours that came to jisoo's face. From that she knew taehyung this name is not a normal name to jisoo so she promised to her self that she will find the truth about taehyung one way or another.

"Today yeji didn't stop talking about you" taeyong said with a small laugh as she caressed yeji's hair. At that time yeji was looking at a small boy who was running around laughing with his parent.

"I don't know how I became her favourite teacher on the first day" jisoo said slowly with a smile. From this taeyong saw jisoo as a silent, quiet and a kind girl.

"Yea right" taeyong said. At that time jisoo thought she saw nervousness from taeyong's face. But she thought why a man like taeyong have to be nervous. At that time she remembered what yeji told her today about her mother. Jisoo wanted ask taeyong but stop her self as this is the first time she met him.

"Okay then we will be going now.... yeji bye teacher will going" jisoo said as she caressed yeji's cheeks. Yeji than hold jisoo's hand with her free hand where she was holding taeyong's hand with her another hand.

"Daddy.... I want to go with teacher" yeji said looking at taeyong. "Tomorrow we will bring teacher to our house.... is it okay... today it is late now" taeyong said taking yeji. From the way taeyong said that also jisoo and lisa knew taeyong is a father who loves her daughter a lot.

"If I invite you for tomorrow evening tea will you come to our house.... I don't want yeji to be sad" taeyong said looking at jisoo. From the way taeyong ask that also jisoo knew how much taeyong wanted that. So jisoo couldn't reject. On the other hand now yeji have a special place on her heart. As jisoo nodded agreeing to that both taeyong and yeji smiled. From that smile of taeyong jisoo knew how important it is to taeyong even a small happiness of yeji.

"Okay.... so give me your number... do I can call you and I can go to your address" taeyong said.

"Yea.... but I don't use a phone.... lis can you give your number" jisoo said and jisoo and lisa also saw the shocked expression on taeyong's face when jisoo said that. Jisoo quickly look down. Anyone would have that kind of a expression when she said she don't use a phone.

After giving lisa's number to taeyong they both start to walk to there house. When they are very near to the house lisa was the first one to notice taeyong and yeji are also coming that way.

"Hey sooyaa.... I think taeyong didn't knew how to go to home.... he is coming this way" lisa said.

"Maybe there house is also in this road" jisoo said and continue walking so did lisa. But taeyong was still coming that way with yeji when they are infront of there house. So they both wait infront of the house.

"You don't know the direction to go home" jisoo ask as taeyong and yeji reach there.

"Hehe... no... the house we are staying I  behind of this house" taeyong said both jisoo and lisa got shocked.

"What happen.... is this your house" taeyong ask and both of them nodded.

"Oh... this is good then the houses are also near.... yeji also said something like that saying she met with a ball.... I couldn't get it.... so yeji say bye to the teacher" taeyong ask and yeji said bye to them. Taeyong then walk with yeji as both jisoo and lisa went in.





Jinyoung who was sitting near irene stop talking when they heard some one opening the door. They both look and saw taehyung coming in. Jinyoung got shocked and look at irene as he ask what is going on by his eyes moments. Yes. He knew how taehyung is from his childhood to now. Taehyung is some one who don't hold a baby and more over don't even come closer to a baby. So anyone can be shocked when someone like that can to hold a baby who was born last night. Irene was also as shocked as jinyoung.

"Jinyoung you know what.... more than the baby's daddy today tae came to take the baby.... so the baby will also love tae than her daddy" irene said to tell jinyoung it is not the first time taehyung came there. When irene said that jinyoung eyes got widen and irene almost started to laugh seeing what happened to jinyoung. At the same time taehyung smile while looking at the baby as irene said that which bring a relief at irene's heart to see her brother smile.

When taehyung came near the bed baby was laying she had open her eyes. Taehyung then took the baby with so much difficulties. But even though taehyung took the baby with difficulties both irene and jinyoung have trust in taehyung that taehyung will kpt made her fell. With that good change of taehyung both irene and jinyoung was also happy.

Jin and jimin who came in froze on their steps when they saw taehyung holding the baby. Chaeyoung and jennie who stand behind them stay there with out knowing what is happening.

"Don't be shocked.... you guys are going to see this scene every day from now" taehyung said bringing jin and jimin back to reality.

1008 words

I am so sorry guys that I am not being able to update like before. But I hope you all will still like the story

To be continue

Hope you all will like this part

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