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"So who is taehyung" lisa said. Jisoo got bothered by the seriousness on lisa's face. Even though jisoo thought of telling lisa everything in evening now she doesn't want to. She don't want share that with anyone. She don't want any other person to feel pity for her.

"Hehe... is it a real person.... you are asking that because I said that today by misunderstanding" jisoo said and laugh to hide her nervousness. But lisa saw all this.

"Soo... your this nervousness.... and what happen to you today from that I know taehyung that name is not a normal name for you..... but I don't know why you are not sharing it with me.... I think we will have a bit of trust in each other as we are living with each other for whole three months now.... in this three months I saw how you cry but I stay showing I don't see anything.... and I don't know the reason why you don't want to use a phone.... with all this also I am staying still not asking you thinking you might share with me.... caz I don't want to share it with me just because I ask" lisa said. From that jisoo knew how much lisa sad and how much lisa care for her.

After she came to Thailand lisa was try her best to made her feel better even when she don't know what happen to her. And she is really thankful to lisa for that. But she is not telling lisa what happen to her not because she don't trust her. Jisoo don't want lisa to join her sadness too. But the real reason jisoo is being able to face the world is because of lisa. So why to hide it from her.

"Taehyung is my first love" jisoo said looking down. Lisa who walk to the house stops her steps when jisoo said that.

"Taehyung also love me a lot.... but destiny don't want both of us to be together" jisoo said lisa came and sit on the chair she sat before.

Lisa then carefully listen to all what jisoo saying. Jisoo told her how her life was before and who are friends was too. Even jisoo told lisa she had to come from Seoul because sehun loves her too but she hide what sehun did even from lisa too.

Lisa couldn't belive what jisoo said just now. Does jisoo really change this much. This silent jisoo was really childish before. But she believes jisoo because jisoo is not a girl who used to lie. So she had to believe it.

Lisa eyes also becomes teary when she knew what happened in jisoo's life. She started to feel pity for her. Lisa even felt sad knowing even taehyung will also be hurting just like jisoo.

"Jisoo I can't believe it.... I don't know how you took this much big sacrifice.... does this kind of lovers live in this century.... me my self also couldn't be a string girl like you.... I didn't know how to live when the person who I love the most left me.... after that day I didn't want to talk to anyone nor I didn't want even to eat.... and do you know what I was going to do at the end.... I tried to kill my self.... I don't want to hurt anymore.... that day mom took me to the hospital just on time.... otherwise I would die.... at that time I thought how my mom will be alone if I die.... so I promise to my self that I will not a thing like that again.... for my mother's love I don't want to give her my life less body" lisa said. And jisoo also cried because of that. She hugged lisa and stay like that.

"Hmm.... in that laptop you have photos of every one right.... you didn't feel anything after seeing handsome taeyong.... so I am sure taehyung will be really handsome.... so I really want to see taehyung now" lisa said letting go of jisoo.

"Hehe.... maybe taehyung is not as handsome as taeyong.... and love is not because of beauty.... we might love a very simple person also.... actually me and taehyung are really different.... people will be shocked knowing two people with such a different personality fell in love with each other.... we both always used to fight.... ans taeyong have all thing a girl will dream of.... taeyong is so kind.... but taehyung is complete different he is always angry and serious.... but is really responsible" jisoo said smiling remembering the time she and taehyung always used to fight over a small things.

Like lisa ask jisoo shows the photo of them in her laptop. She first show the photo they took on the night she and taehyung got first place on the singing competition.

"Wow.... are these really your friends... they all are so beautiful and handsome.... there is no one who will leave to another.... can you show me a photo of taehyung alone" lisa said.

"There is no photo that taehyung is alone in it.... this is the closest photo" jisoo said and show the photo jin took on the day they had the button incident. In that photo taehyung was looking at the camera while smirking where jisoo was seen being shocked.

"Wow.... he is so handsome" lisa said widen her eyes coming close to the screen and jisoo started to laugh seeing lisa's reaction.

"Really he looks like a super model... even in this simple clothes.... I am sure he will end all the models career if he start modelling" lisa added and jisoo was laughing so hard because of lisa.

They stayed there talking and laughing about different things that happened in there life. When they got in it was almost twelve.

Taeyeon call jisoo's name really loudly when when jisoo got in to to the bathroom to take a shower to sleep. So she quickly got out and ran to the living room. At that time she saw lisa who was laying on the floor unconscious and taeyeon was call to lisa being so nervous.

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1029 words

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And guys if you don't please read this story by my friend @jenniemalka

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And guys if you don't please read this story by my friend @jenniemalka. And if you can please show her some love you will not regret it

To be continue

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