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"Yea... wait I will call yoona aunty.... aunty said she and noona also want to bring jisoo back now.... she told it will not be a problem to bring jisoo to taehyung's life as sehun has now moved on with life.... she even said she had talk to sehun about this already.... so we have to let yoona aunty know" jin said and quickly call yoona.

Jin called yoona and tell her what chaeyoung said. And ask they need yoona's opinion on this. Yoona then invited the four to have the dinner with her.

Few days ago yoona told jin what she wants now. She told jin that she want to bring jisoo back regardless of what she have done. She even said she feel guilty that they haven't given jisoo a chance defend her self. She sum up by saying she know the fact that taehyung can't live with out jisoo so she want to forgive her and bring her back to taehyung's life.

What happen to sehun was too bad. Yoona called him a time when he don't even think about that. So at that time his mind didn't function well and ended up agreeing.

Even though he don't want to he had ti agree. There is no reason for him to show. Maybe if he say something yoona might not love him anymore. More over now yoona knows sehun has a girl in his life. And now he knows it is a big mistake he did. But how will any one think that yoona would want to being jisoo back after every thing that happened. Sehun him self also didn't think yoona would do that. That is why he made his family to meet yeri.

But still sehun don't want to give up. Even though his past plan didn't success completely he knew it had effect some what. Because of that even if taehyung and jisoo met we don't know they would become a couple or worse would even talk to each other. So why would he get this nervous. But in future also he will not give up that easily. Now also he made a simple mistake and loosen a bit and now this happens.

At that night now the four with yoona are un a well know restaurant. They came here with out telling to taehyung.

"Aunty what is the plan" jin was the first one to speak.

"I am thinking to send taehyung to daegu.... I even talked with taemin.... so tomorrow taehyung will go to daegu for a project.... he really tried not to go.... but at the end he agreed as me and taemin didn't stop.... but will he meet sooyaa there.... and even if he met and didn't tell us everything will be failed.... actually I want send tae because I know if he saw sooyaa there he will be wanting to bring her back" yoona said.

"But what I am thinking is.... will tae accept jisoo just because they met" chaeyoung ask with worries in her voice. It is not only chaeyoung who only worried but it but the others too.

Like yoona said even if taehyung goes to daegu they might not meet each other or even if they meet each other also they might not even look at each other.

After the dinner jin dropped chaeyoung to her house and at the time he saw his house he stopped. For sure now jaehin will know the he left the meeting earlier today. Jin got so tensed not knowing what answer he would give to his father.

Jaehin had forbidden even to say jisoo's name. So he can't tell his father the real reason he left the meeting like that. But jin knows his father is also sad after jisoo left them.

After thinking for a bit jin enter the house yo jaehin and minzy at the living room waiting for him. As jaehin patted near him asking jin to sit next to him. Jin sit there looking at the floor.

"Don't be tensed..... I will not ask you why you leave the meeting like that so suddenly.... I am sure there is an understandable reason why you did that.... but next time just inform me before you leave like that" jaehin said and jin smile and nodded.

"Thanks dad.... I promise you.... what it happen today will never repeat again" jin said and hug jaehin who got up.

Minzy who watch this sweet moment had a big smile on her face. After what happen at jin birthday the relationship between haejin and jin is not in a good relationship. This is the first time minzy saw them hugging after that.

Even though they talk to each other. The happiness in that family is gone after jisoo left and the relationship between jin and jaehin was also effected by that.

All this happen after jisoo leave and now minzy always want to jisoo to come back. Jisoo is the happiness of that family and minzy belive that family can go to past happiness only by bringing jisoo back. Minzy is waiting for a day jisoo will come back again.

Jin who enterd his room was all happy. He is so happy that he finally got a news from jisoo. Jin belive that jisoo is the one who can bring happiness to that two family. His family and taehyung's family.

More over his best friend will be out of that sad world when jisoo comes back.  Taehyung all happiness is with jisoo and it is proved by the way he lives now. So what is that jin want more than his best friend to be happy.





That night taehyung who is in the room of his own apartment couldn't sleep. A different feeling of waves are in his heart. But he couldn't recognise what it is. If feels like his heart want something.  Maybe it is because he is going to go daegu for the first time tomorrow. What taehyung don't know was the girl who is heart belong was in daegu.

1012 words

This part is specially for Lara_t_star091 and RadnyeeMhetre.

And guys  please show some support of their very first story which is a vsoo story.

To be continue

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