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"Jisoo are you going to ruin your life in your own hands.... how much are you going to sacrifice.... what will you do if taehyung come to her the day you becomes taeyong's" lisa ask.

"Lis even though you hope for a day to taehyung to take me back it will not happen.... taehyung who don't came to take me in all these months will not come now.... I can live with taeyong.... even you also will know taeyong can be a perfect husband" jisoo said and back faced lisa.

"Jisoo you are really mad.... if my life can be saved by sacrificing your happiness than I told want to save my life.... just like I promise to you to night I will fly to London.... but remember that I am going because I want keep the promise I made" lisa said holding lisa's hand making her face her. At that time jisoo noticed the anger in lisa's voice and pain in her eyes.

"There is still time jisoo.... a part of me still says that taehyung will come to get you.... so please change the way you are thinking now" lisa said.

"I can't.... and I don't want to.... lisa you also try to make me and taeyong a couple.... he even a perfect guy.... the more I spend time with him the more I fell for him.... and yeji also loves me a lot.... so why can't I do this" jisoo said.

"You can't do that because you will never be able to give your heart to taeyong.... you can't be able to give taeyong your heart even your body also.... and I said that when i don't know about taehyung.... but after I knew about taehyung my mind have changed.... you will never get a guy like taehyung.... and I have never seen a perfect guy as taehyung.... he is just simply perfect.... do you know why.... caz he loves you the way you also loves him.... remember this I really don't like this.... I really don't like the way you tried say my life" lisa said and went out of the room as she close the door loudly.

Lisa really didn't like the way jisoo did this. She don't want jisoo to sacrifice her happiness to save her life.

Lisa even think about what will happen to taehyung. Even though she had never seen taehyung nor had never heard of his voice still lisa think about taehyung. She don't know why she respects taehyung as much as she do for jisoo. All she know she really wanted to meet taehyung one day.





"Mom where is tae today.... he don't even came here today to take the baby.... other days she used to come here like five or six times" irene ask when yoona came inside her room holding the little baby.

"I think now it is now that the graduation is over.... I also haven't seen him after the breakfast.... I am really worried of the way he behaves.... even though he forgot about jisoo because of the exams he will again remind of her now.... if he stays without doing anything jisoo's memories will hunt him.... he can only get rid of jisoo's memories by keeping her busy" yoona said.

Yoona is worried that taehyung might change again. He had change a lot after jisoo went away.

"Irene try talking to taehyung and make him come in to this business.... maybe he might say yes when you ask him.... and more over all this belongs to taehyung" yoona said and irene nodded showing she agrees with yoona.

It was the time taehyung also entered the room. As yoona knows the reason why taehyung came they she quickly took the baby and put her in taehyung's arms. Both yoona and irene also smiled when they saw taehyung smiling while looking at the baby girl. Knowing taehyung is in a good mood yoona signaled irene to say that.

"Tae... now you have graduated right" irene irene said and taehyung nodded looking at his sister.

"Since you are now graduated why don't you join the family business.... for the sake of the baby.... I also really want you to join the business even mom too" irene said and taehyung again nodded which made both of them surprised. They both thought like the other times this time also taehyung will go out of the room when they talk about the business.

"I just talk to dad about that.... dad wants to inform that in the party tomorrow night" taehyung said looking at the baby. When taehyung said that both irene and yoona was shocked. At the same time they both were happy knowing taehyung think about his life more than any one else.





As lisa and taeyeon fly to London like it was told before jisoo change to yeji's house. Taeyong don't know the real reason why jisoo came to that house and thought jisoo came there as a nanny. And he was happy that.

At that night tiffany told taeyong the real reason why jisoo came to that house. She told him that jisoo like taeyong and wanted to give yeji a love of a mother hiding the fact that she gave money to jisoo for lisa's treatment.  When tiffany ask him to marry jisoo when she turned twenty taeyong couldn't say to his mother as he respects his mother a lot. But taeyong was finding hard to believe him mother. He was finding hard to find the fact that jisoo likes him. But is not just someone who told him that but it is his mother who told him that so he had no choice but to believe it.





Next day. That night taemin held the party in the house. He wanted irene also to join the party and it will be easy for irene if the party is in the house. All the staff of the office, close friends and even all the family members were also invited to the party.

1005 words

To be continue

Hi all please give some love to my new story 'My neighbour next door' this story is kind of different from other stories

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Hi all please give some love to my new story 'My neighbour next door' this story is kind of different from other stories. But hope you all will like it too.

To be continue

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