Inosuke And Nezuko Drift Away

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From a very long journey to defeat another dangerous demon Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke have been walking through forest to forest into town to town, and throughout the whole journey there wasn't a demon to face at all which left Zenitsu relief but irritated Inosuke, with Inosuke very irritated he bugged  Tanjiro to fight him to pass the time being, but Tanjiro really didn't want to fight at all.


"Ahhh!, For the last time, FIGHT ME GAHMPACHIRO!"


"I'm sorry Inosuke but I can't fight you right now."




"Well, because we are on an important Mission and we need to be in our best condition to face the demon."


"Seriously just give it a break Inosuke."


"Shut up you spineless weakling, this is between me and Monjiro."



As Inosuke and Zenitsu begin to argue, Tanjiro Sydney begin to smell a scent of a demon nearby, he began to follow it to see where the scent could be coming from, as you went deep into a bamboo forest the scent then suddenly faded away, as Tanjiro begin to think on where the scent has suddenly gone, Inosuke and Zenitsu catch up to him, what's the three of them back together they suggested that they would be setting up camp here until Tanjiro sniff out the demon again, as they set up the camp Tanjiro put down Nezeko's box to go off to find some firewood, but while he was gone Zenitsu begin to knock on the little door of the box to see if Nezuko would respond back to him.


"Nezukooo are you awake?"


"Hey leave that damn box alone, and tell me where the food is at!"


"The food's in my bag, now stopped bothering me while I'm trying to talk to Nezuko."

Inosuke then grabbed Zenitsu bag and began to raid it for the food, but as he was eating he begin to stare at Zenitsu acting strange again."

~Inosuke's mind~

"Seriously I don't know why that weakling always acts like that when he's around some other weakling girl?, It's just so stupid."

But once Tanjiro returned he began to prepared a fire for the three of them, as night Begin to fall, they decided that as two them sleeps one of them will stay up and keep watch, and the one to stay up was Inosuke, as Tanjiro and Zenitsu slept  Inosuke leaned against a tall piece of bamboo and begin stargazing, back before he even met Tanjiro and Zenitsu or even heard about the demon slayers, he's always enjoyed staring up to the night sky and seeing all of the twinkling stars above him, but as he was staring up to the sky he turns his head straight towards Nezuko's box, he approached it and crouched down.

~Inosuke's mind~

"So Kentaro's little demon sister is in here huh?"

Inosuke then began to knock on the small door three times, heathens way for response back but since it didn't come immediately he began to get a bit irritated again.

~Inosuke's mind~

"Damn it, why don't you knock back already!?"

But suddenly Inosuke here's three knocks coming from the inside the box, he then reaches out to open the small door, but before Inosuke can even touch the handle he hears something, he grabs his swords and run straight towards the sound, as he was running through the bamboo forest the sound began to get louder and louder.

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