Eyes In The Forest

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Once Inosuke finally finished eating he then carried Nezuko to his to the strawberry and laid her down so she can keep on sleeping, Inosuke then stepped out of the cave and let out a loud yell and began charging to a tree, he hits his head against the tree truck as hard as he can, but he then backs up and repeats the same thing over and over again.


"Come on I need to keep on going, I must make my head even tougher than Monjiro."

Inosuke head butt training until the sun began to set, once he finished his training Inosuke went over to see if Nezuko was still sleeping.


"Hey wake up you got to move now."

But when Inosuke said that Nezuko didn't get up which made him get very angry, so he begin to yell at her to get up but throughout all his yelling she still remained sleeping.


"Fine if you're not going to get up then I'm just going to leave you here."

Inosuke send proceeded to walk out of the cave but just walking a couple inches away made him stop, he turned around and just stared at Nezuko sleeping in the shrubbery, he then went back into the cave and begin to piggyback Nezuko, with her on his back they proceeded to walk through nightly forest, as Inosuke was walking through the forest he couldn't shake the feeling that was being watched from a distance, from feeling that he'll usually just pull out his twin blades and challenge whoever it's a threat to him, but he couldn't due Nezuko on his back, so he proceeded to walk through the forest but kept his guard up at all times just in case if those eyes watching him ever came out of hiding to fight him instead.

~Inosuke's mind~

"This sucks, I sense a demon around me but I can't fight when I'm carrying Kentaro's little sister on my back."

But while Inosuke was walking he started to hear a flowing river ahead of him, so we proceeded to run towards it as fast as he can, he ran so fast that the demons he sensed we're far behind him, so while the demons were far behind him, Inosuke hid Nezuko in a hollow trunk of a tree, after that he ran straight to the river, when she was finally there he stopped and pulled out his twin blades and took a deep breath to prepare to shout at the demons.



While Inosuke challenged the demons that were following him and Nezuko, Tanjiro and Zenitsu where still at the village asking around if they've seen them around.


"Has anyone told that they've seen Nezuko or Inosuke passing by In This village?"


"No not a single person has seen them, but that does not mean we should give up our search now, we must find Nezuko and Inosuke as soon as possible."


"Your right Tanjiro, let us continue searching."

As Tanjiro and Zenitsu were roaming the village, Tanjiro picked up a fant sent of Inosuke and Nezuko, they began to follow the scent which led the both of them to a restaurant, they both walk in and are welcomed by the waitress.


"Hello there have you seen  someone with a bore mask or a girl with a bamboo muscle?"


"Wait are you talking about that couple that died and dash dashed the other day."


Dine and dash?/Couple!?"


"Yes that couple were here and refuse to pay what they ordered, so my brother confronted the boy in the boar mask but he ended up getting hurt when the boy flipped him over on a table, that boy could have continued but luckily the girl with the bamboo muzzle stopped him, after that they just left."


"Do you have any idea where they've gone?"


"No not at all, but if I had to make a guess I think they continued forward to the next forest ahead of you?"


"Thank you very much, Zenitsu it's hurry up and go."

As Tanjiro and Zenitsu we're prepared to run out of the restaurant, Tanjiro paid the waitress for all the food Inosuke ordered and for the damages as well, they then ran out and proceeded to run straight to the forest to finally meet up with Inosuke and Nezuko.

~To be continued~

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