Staying By Your Side

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After Inosuke and Nezuko fight between the twin demons Tanjiro and Zenitsu arrived just on time, they saw that Inosuke was losing a lot of blood from the tree branch lodged into the side of stomach, the three of them needed to figure out what to do to stop the bleeding, but as Tanjiro and Zenitsu were trying to figure something out to solve this problem Nezuko quickly took action by ripping some of her kimono off and bandaging the area where the branch was launched into, Tanjiro and Zenitsu took notice of this and started to do the same as well with their own kimonos, but that still wasn't enough Inosuke was still losing a lot of blood, as they try to think of something else Tanjiro's Crow appears above them.

~Tanjiro's Crow~

"(CAW!, CAW!) Inosuke Hashibira has been terribly wounded, take him to the north with haste, there is a doctor that will patch him up, go now quickly!"


"Come on you heard the crow let's go."

Tanjiro then put the box on his back to the ground and picked up Inosuke put him on his back, he then started to carry the box on his chest, the three of them then began to run to the north as fast as they can, on the way over there Nezuko gave Inosuke some quick glances to see if he was still breathing, she couldn't help but to think that using her own blood demon art caused Inosuke pain, but on the way over there Nezuko saw Inosuke's twinblades impaled into the ground, so she quickly snatches them from the ground and begins carrying them on the way to the doctor, a few minutes later they saw a hut ahead of them so they moved faster, once they finally reached the hut Tanjiro begin knocking rapidly on the door.



Suddenly an old man slide his open door, he doesn't say a word but notices Inosuke on Tanjiro's back, so he goes over to him and proceeds to carry him inside of his home, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Nezuko try to follow him in but the old man slide his door shut.

~Old man~

"You three stay out there I need to work."

The three of them listen to the old man's order and begin waiting outside the door, but as they waited hours passed by and the Sun was almost about to come out so Nezuko put down Inosuke's twin blades and went back into her box and begin resting, 3 hours later they were still waiting until the old man slide his door open and looked over to Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

~Old man~

"Your friend is going to be fine, he just needs to rest for a couple days."


"Thank you sir, how could we repay you?"

~Old man~

"No payment is needed, I will help anyone that is injured, especially the people part of the demon core."


"Oh I see, thank you again sir."


"Y-yeah thank you very much sir."

~Old man~

"You're welcome, you could go in and see your friend now, but make sure you let him get his rest."


"We will, thank you."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu go inside the hut and see Inosuke laying down with his mask off, they sit right next to it and see that the old man bandaged his womb so well that there is no blood leakage at all.


"Inosuke, get well soon.


"Yeah it will soon you wild boar."

They put their hands on top of Inosuke's and close their eyes to make him feel better soon, after a couple hours the sun begin to set, so Tanjiro and Zenitsu made a campfire outside of the old man's Hut to keep them warm at night, a couple more minutes later they fell asleep, but once they were fast asleep Nezuko got out of her box and went over to the old man's Hut, she slid open the door and saw Inosuke laying down, she went over to him and sat down next to him as well, she then put her hand on the side of his cheek and leaned in and gently tapped her bamboo muscle on his forehead as a get well kiss.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Inosuke I will stay by your side until you wake up, I promise."

She then laid on the ground right next to him and began running her fingers through his hair, but as she was laying next to Inosuke her scent begin to reach his sent again.

~Inosuke's mind~

"Such a nice smell."

~To be continued~

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