The Small Village

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After walking through the pathway they stumbled upon they walked on it for an hour until they saw a small village ahead of them, Inosuke was quite thrilled to finally find a place that might have food for him but Nezuko energy with a bit low so her eyes began to get a bit heavy, Inosuke quickly noticed this.


"Hey why you close your eyes huh?"

But as soon as he asked you that Nezuko quickly fell asleep standing up.


"Hey did you just fall asleep!?"

Inosuke begin to get a bit irritated from knowing that she just fell asleep in the middle of the pathway that led into the small village, well that quickly changed when he heard his stomach growling, Inosuke knew that he couldn't just leave her there, so he then piggybacked Nezuko all the way into the small town, once they were walking to the small village Inosuke began to sniff out where he could find some food, but after many of sniffing he smells something wonderful I sent I can't leave his nostrils, Inosuke begins to follow where that delicious scent was coming from, after finally figuring out where that delicious scent was coming from he was standing in front of a family-owned restaurant, as he walked into the restaurant he noticed that it was quite empty, which meant to Inosuke that there would be enough food for him.


"Hello there, would you two be dining here?"


"Yes, feed me!"


"Alright then, just follow me and I'll show you two to your booth."

Inosuke followed the waitress to a square like Booth with a small table in the middle, he sat Nezuko right next to him.


"Alright give me food now!"


"Ok ok, you don't have to yell, no let me tell you what's on the menu."

The waitress begins to list everything on the menu and while she was doing so Inosuke began to feel happy just hearing all of the delicious foods being named.


"So what would it be?"




"Excuse me what?"




"Yes, coming right up sir."

The waitress then rushed back into the the kitchen in told her grandfather that was the chef to cook all of the food on the menu, he was shocked to hear that he had to cook everything but if that what the customer wanted he cooked with all of his heart, as soon as a dish was finished the waitress quickly rushed back to Inosuke table, as soon as a plate will arrive he began to eat it immediately, this went on for at least 2 hours and a half, all the food Inosuke ordered was quickly eaten by him, his stomach felt so satisfied so having such a good meal, but satisfaction was ruined when he heard how much is bill was.


"Wait money?, I don't have any money."

The waitress was shocked to hear that Inosuke didn't have money at all, so she went to the kitchen to tell her grandfather that he doesn't have money to pay for the food, which made him very angry, he then told his grandson about this, after telling his grandson that there was someone that couldn't pay he went to confront him.


"Hey pig face, a grandfather told me you couldn't pay, no I guess you're going to have to pay in some other way."

Inosuke did not like the threat he was told, so he gets up and approaches him.


"How do you want me to pay?"


"I'll show you."

He put his hand on Inosuke's soldier and punch them in the gut but since all the training Inosuke did back at the butterfly mansion he didn't even feel it.


"Is that all you got!?"

Inosuke then grabbed his collar and and slant him to the ground, but while he was on the ground Inosuke was about to punch him in the face but Nezuko grabs his arm to stop him.


"Let go of me."

Inosuke tries to use his strength too break free from Nezuko grip, but she was too strong, he turned his head around to try her off of him but when he saw her eyes he let go of the grandson and looked at Nezuko, she stared at him back as well she started pulling on his arm to hint that they should leave, Inosuke understood what she was trying to say and proceeded to leave with Nezuko holding his arm, they then proceeded to walk through the village, but while they were walking Inosuke wondered why he stopped when he saw her, where you didn't think about it too long, he then left the small village together and began walking through another pathway that led into another forest.

~To be continued~

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