Inosuke VS The Twin Demons

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Inosuke waited with his twin blades ready in each hand, he looked straight into the forest and stayed quiet so he can hear the direction the demon could be coming from, but while he was staying quiet he suddenly heard a branch break in front of him so he threw one of his swords straight towards the sound, he follows his sword to see if he hit something, but when Inosuke got there he saw that his sword had hit a tree, as you approach the tree to retrieve his his sword April suddenly appears behind him.


"That was quite close don't you think?"

Inosuke quickly slashes behind him with his sword, but the person that said that was already gone, but he then since the demon so he turns around as quickly as possible I'm sorry gently landing on the handle of his sword that was stuck in the tree.


"You have to be careful when you play with something Sharp, he could cut someone."


"Who the hell are you?"


"How rude of me allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ayaka it is a pleasure to meet you my new play thing, hehe.


"Listen here demon I'm part of the demon hunting core and I'm going to slay you, and I sure as hell won't be your damn plaything!"


"Oh that's a shame, I was hoping that you could be my first living plaything  but I guess you have to end up like the others."


"Like hell I would now die!"

Right when Inosuke slashed his sword straight at Ayaka, it just felt like he caught nothing but air, after a slash he noticed that she was still standing on his sword handle with a slash straight through her stomach that you can see through it, Ayaka then suddenly disappeared out of mid-air."


"Where the hell did she go damn it?"


"You know you have a really nasty potty mouth."

Inosuke turned around and saw that Ayaka was behind him again, which made him think on how she did that, so he through his sword straight at her and quickly retrieved his sword that was in the tree, but when he saw his sword about to hit Ayaka it just went completely through her instead which made her disappear again.


"Damn it come on show yourself!"

As soon as he said that he heard a twig snap behind him so he, so we did another slash but stopped right before you made contact, because it was Nezuko that was behind him.


"I almost killed you, well that doesn't matter now, we're dealing with a very tricky demon so keep your guard up."

Inosuke turned away from Nezuko and proceeded to pick up his other sword and looks upwards in the trees to see if he could spot the demon up there, but while he was doing that he got kicked in the back which launched him forward making him drop his twin blades, he quickly stops himself by slamming his hand on the ground and spins right around facing Nezuko.


"Hey did you just kick me!?"

Nezuko doesn't respond to this question instead she runs straight towards him and begins to attack him, as she was throwing punches and kick straight at Inosuke he did his best by blocking them and avoiding them as well, he had no idea what was going on with her, as he was blocking her text he saw that she was about to do an ax kick so he put his hands above his head to counter it but she quickly changed her attack into a kick to the chest which launched him back at the river he was at, as Inosuke was trying to pick himself up from the ground he felt that some of his ribs were broken from receiving that kick.


"Damn it what in the hell is happened to her."

As Inosuke raised he said he saw Nezuko coming out of the forest with Ayaka right next to her, he was angry to see that but his anger changed into confusion when he saw Nezuko turning into a boy identical too Ayaka.


"Well well sister, it looks like our plaything could hands with himself against my rough housing."


"Yes it does seem like that brother."


"You damn bastards, how dare you trick me, now I'm going to slay both of you."


"Hahaha, Do you hear that sister?, Our new placing wants to slay us both."


"Hehehe, That it is quite amusing, but I think it's time for us to put him out of his misery and begin to start playing with this dead corpse."


"Yes let us finish this together sister."

Ayaka and Banko raise the right hands and prepare themselves to stab Inosuke straight through the heart, but right when they were about to step through his heart the real Nezuko comes flying through the air to kick the both of the twins straight into the river, once the both of them were kicked into the river Nezuko looked at Inosuke and landed him a hand up which he took gratefully.


"It's about time you woke up."

Nezuko gives Inosuke a happy expression and begins patting him on the head for keeping her safe in that hollow tree trunk, from receiving that head pat Inosuke felt really happy, but it was cut short when the two twin demons leaped out of the river and landed right in front of Inosuke and Nezuko.


"Hey brother, that girl is a demon too."


"Yes I've noticed that, but why she's helping that noisy human?"

The twins looked at Inosuke and Nezuko medically, but they didn't care instead the both of them got into their fighting stance and prepared themselves to fight these demons hand to hand.

~To be continued~

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