A Sweet Scent

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While Inosuke was asleep he began to dream about that vision he got back at the spider forest, it just kept replying in his mind over and over, but he's still didn't know who that woman was, but any stream everything started turning into cherry blossoms, the vision then disappeared and Inosuke was now in a field filled with cherry blossoms and it smelled very nice, but the more he sniffed in the nice aroma, but the more he began to sniff the aroma of cherry blossoms, made him open his eyes, and once his eyes was open he saw Nezuko sleeping right next to him, he was shocked to know that she slept there next to him, but Inosuke didn't know that he pulled Nezuko in which made her sleep next to him, but while he was just looking at her the cherry blossom aroma begin to flood his nose again, as Inosuke was sniffing he noticed that the aroma was coming off of Nezuko.


"Her smell, i-it smells nice."

So now that Inosuke was up he noticed that the sun was beginning to rise, so grabbed his swords and went out hunting for some breakfast, but while he went out hunting Nezuko was still asleep, but after a couple minutes she woke up, and noticed that Inosuke wasn't in the cave anymore, but she did notice that he left his boar head behind, so she held on to it for him just until he came back, 2 hours has passed by and Inosuke still hasn't came back yet, she started to get worried about him.


"Hmm, where could it be?, I hope he's all right."

15 minutes later Nezuko saw Inosuke finally returning, but she noticed that he was covered in some dirt and had two rabbits in his left hand, which meant he must have had so much trouble trying to catch those rabbits, once Inosuke stepped foot into the cave Nezuko quickly rushed over to greet him back.


"What?, What are you looking at me like that?"

Nezuko put her right hand on top of his head and begin padding him, it caught him off guard but it made him very happy for some reason.


"Hey, why are you padding my head?"

Nezuko doesn't respond to his question instead she keeps on padding his head and Inosuke just accept it, after that he then began to cook up the rabbits he caught, but while he was cooking the rabbits he noticed that Nezuko was holding on to his boar head, he reaches out to get it but she quickly moved, he then tries to grab it again but she then moves again which made him very irritated.


"Hey what's big idea?, Give you my head dammit!"

Nezuko shakes her head now tourist request and instead puts it on herself, and that made Inosuke very mad.



Inosuke then begin to Chase her around the cave so he could retrieve his head from her, but Nezuko was so fast and was able to Dodge all of Inosuke's attempts to tackle her down, but when Inosuke tried to tackle her again he ended up hitting his head against the cave wall which made him fall to the ground, Nezuko was worried and went to go check on him.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Oh no, he hit his pretty hard, I hope he's alright."

When Nezuko went to go check on Inosuke, she kneel down to the ground and turn him around, but suddenly he grabs your arm and pins her to the ground.


"HAHAHA, I got you now."

He then pulled off his boar head from Nezuko's head, but when he did that he saw her eyes again, while Inosuke was looking into her pink eyes his heart began to beat faster.

~Inosuke's mind~

"My... My heart, it's beating so fast, but why?, The only time my heart beats so fast is when I'm facing a demon, but she's a demon as well could that be why my heart's beating?"

Nezuko then cupped his right cheek which made his heart beat twice as fast, he want to stop the feeling in his chest so he got up put his boar head on and went back to sit from the fire to watch his rabbits cook, after that Inosuke just sat down near the fire and began eating his cooked rabbit, Nezuko then sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder and began sleeping once again, but while Inosuke and Nezuko were in the cave Tanjiro and Zenitsu leaving the forest where where they first came from and approached the village that they were last night.

~To be continued~

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