Together In A Hut

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After drifting away for some time, Inosuke and Nezeko washed up on a on a side of a riverbank, Inosuke opens his eyes and sees Nezuko laying right next to him.


"Ugh, my head."

He takes off his boar mask, so he could get some fresh air, but after you took off his mask he noticed that the night sky was turning a bit blue, so knowing that demons can't be in the sunlight, Inosuke picked up Nezuko and begin to carry her to an area that cannot be hit by sunlight, as he was carrying her Inosuke saw a small abandoned hut up a hill, while reaching the abandoned hut he kicks the door down and puts down Nezuko in the corner of the hut, he then went back to the riverbank to retrieve his swords, after he did he looked straight down on where he and Nezuko came drifting from.


"This stinks."

He then went back to the hut, once you return he placed the door back on so no sunlight will come in, he then sat on the floor but was a bit cold due to his wet clothes, so he then went back outside to gather up some sticks so he can make a fire in the small fire pit in the hut, once the fire was finally lit, Inosuke's begin to take off his pants and please close to the fire so it'll dry quicker, but as he stood in front of the fire nothing but loan cloth he turned around and notice that Nezuko's clothes was also wet as well, so to be helpful Inosuke then begin to remove her clothes and place them next to the fire as well, after that he covered Nezuko in a blanket that was in the hut, so he sat next to the fire and waited until his clothes were fully dried, but suddenly Nezuko begin to open her eyes.

~Nezuko mind~

"W-where am I?"

She looked around the hut and saw Inosuke the sitting next to a fire.

~Nezuko mind~


But she then noticed her own clothes right next the fire and was surprised to see them there.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Wait a minute, if my clothes are over there then does that mean I'm?"

Nezuko looked down and saw that she was in a blanket but when she saw underneath the blanket, she did not have any clothes on underneath at all, which major blush uncontrollably from the thought of Inosuke undressing.

~Nezeko's mind~

"Oh my goodness, he must have seen everything, I'm so embarrassed."

Inosuke then turned around and noticed that she has woken up.


"Your finally awake huh?"

Inosuke then approached Nezuko to ask you something.


"Hey do you have any clue where we are?"

Nezuko shakes her head no from Inosuke's question, but since he was close to her face, her blushing begin to grow even more.


"I-Inosuke is so close to me and his face looks so pretty, I think you might be pretty than me?".



Inosuke then grabbed his pants and put them back on, he then grabbed his swords and headed outside to see if he could find something to eat, once he left Nezuko went to go get her clothes but when she touch them they were still a bit wet.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Did Inosuke take off my clothes so it could dry?, If he did then maybe I should just leave them to fully dry."

She then let her clothes dry by the fire and sat next to it so she could warm herself up as well, not too long after that Inosuke returned with some fish that he caught, once inside he noticed that Nezuko his phone asleep next to the fire, he then sat right next to her and began to cook the fish so he could eat, once the fish was prepared he began eating it, but since he had another fish that was ready to eat, he began to wake up Nezuko, when she was Inosuke offered the cooked fish to her.


"Here, your going to need this if you want to get your strength up."

Nezuko took the cook fish that Inosuke officer but she couldn't eat it due to having the bamboo muzzle on her mouth, but she was grateful to him that he will offer her something to eat, but with no way of eating it she give it back to Inosuke so he can regain his strength.

~Bamboo forest~

In the bamboo forest far away from Inosuke and Nezuko, Tanjiro and Zenitsu where began searching the area to find them both, they were very worried Tanjiro especially.


"Come on Zenitsu, we have to Nezuko and Inosuke as quickly as possible."


"Alright Tanjiro."

~To be continued~

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