He Has Such A Pretty Face

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After leaving the small village Inosuke began to get tired of walking, so he then removed his arm from Nezuko's grasp and proceeded to find some sort of shelter he could rest up in, Nezuko followed him to see where he might be going, after Inosuke and Nezuko broke from the pathway they found a small cave, once they entered inside Inosuke knew right there now that the cave would would be perfect for him to rest up in.


"Okay this place would do just fine, now I got to go real quick to find some nice comfy shrubs and also to find some sticks and twigs, and while I'm doing that I want you to stay here and keep this place guarded you got that?"

Nezuko shook her head yes towards Inosuke, he then went out in the forest to look for some shrubbery, but while he was gone Nezuko sat on the floor and began thinking about Tanjiro.

~Nezuko's mind~

"I wonder where Tanjiro could be right now?"

But as she was thinking about where her older brother was at, Inosuke returned with a lot of shrubbery and also some sticks and twigs as well, he dropped the strawberry in the middle of the cave after that he began to gather up all the sticks to make a little fire, he used his swords to make the sparks to start up the fire, once the fire was finally lit Inosuke then went to the shrubbery and laid on it.


"Ahh, a nice warm fire and a comfy place to sleep, it reminds me of home."

Nezuko went over to Inosuke and stood over him.


"What?, Why you looking at me like that?"

She doesn't respond to this question instead she just keeps on looking at Inosuke, which makes him get a bit irritated.


"If you're not going to say anything then just leave me alone so I can sleep!"

Nezuko then listen to Inosuke and walked back to the same spot she was sitting before, but once Nezuko got back to the same spot she heard Inosuke already snoring, Nezuko knew that he told her to leave him alone but she went back and stood over him again, but why she was staring at him she always wondered why he always had that boar's head on all the time.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Hmm, does this forehead have sentimental value to me or does he wear it just to intimidate others?"

Nezuko then got on her knees and proceeded to remove his forehead, as Nezuko fully removed it she was finally able to see his pretty face again.

~Nezuko's mind~

"He's so pretty, he has to be one of the prettiest boys I've ever seen, but he's also one of the loudest, stubborn, and obnoxious, but deep down I know he's a good person."

Nezuko then begin to gently caress her fingers through Inosuke's soft silky hair, but while she was doing that Nezuko began to get tired, so she then went to get up but is suddenly grabbed by Inosuke, but she sees that he's still sleeping, so she then tries to remove his fingers from her wrist but instead is pulled in by Inosuke, Nezuko was now being held by Inosuke that was deeply asleep, Nezuko couldn't break free due to being quite sleepy, so she then accepts it and falls asleep right next to Inosuke that night, but little did they know while they were sleeping together, they were being watched from two miles away.


"Look brother, it looks like we have two new playmates."


"Indeed sister we do have some new playmates, let us see what game they would like to play with us shall we?'"


"We shall, hehehe."

The two twin demons then begin to think about a game they should choose for their new playmates.

~To be continued~

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