We Fight Together

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As Nezuko and Inosuke were prepared to face the twin demons they mean with no time and rush them as quickly as possible, Nezuko when after the brother Banko and Inosuke when after the sister Ayaka, as Nezuko was fighting Banko she easily dodged his attacks but so did he when she through her own punches and kicks at him, he matched the same speed to Nezuko but there was no way for either them to stop, as Inosuke was fighting against Ayaka he used pig assault her, he was moving so fast that she could barely keep up  but she had her own trick under his sleeve, when Inosuke through punches or kicks that will be lethal against Ayaka she ended up finishing when his attacks went through her, when Nezuko was still fighting Banko she sweep him off his feet which made him fall to his back, she then approached Banko to finish him off, but she suddenly stopped when she saw that Inosuke was on the floor in front of her instead, she saw that it was Inosuke but when she turned her head she saw the real Inosuke fighting Ayaka, but when Nezuko for brief minute that left Banko kick her away from him, Inosuke notices this and look the way which earned him a punch to his face which made his boar head fall completely off and making him fly towards Nezuko's direction as well, Inosuke and Nezuko sat up together and begin breathing heavily.


"My my sister it looks like our playthings are halfway beat."


"Yes it seems that way, do you know brother throughout this whole playing I'm getting pretty hungry."


"So my sister, how about once we finish off these two we eat them and use their bones as jewelry?"


"Oh yes brother that sounds so much better than having them both as our playthings."

As the twin demons agreed to kill  and eat Inosuke and Nezuko, they weren't going to let them do that, so they stood up together and got into their fighting stance and we're about to give it their all.


"Listen up you demons, me and Erezuk I'm not going to end up as your damn lunch, we're going to kick your asses and we're going to be reunited with Monjiro and Monitsu!"

Inosuke and Nezuko then begin to rush towards the twin demons again but when they got close they switched their opponent, Inosuke was now going up against Banko and Nezuko was facing off with Ayaka, Inosuke's pig assault was perfectly working against Banko, but when Banko turned into Nezuko he knew that was going to work against Inosuke, but he ended up getting head butted in instead by Inosuke.


"Hahaha, you really think you can trick me with that stupid trick of yours again!?, Well think again!"

Banko what's now in big trouble when his own blood demon art didn't work against the likes of Inosuke, when Ayaka was facing off with Nezuko she was in a huge disadvantage when she tried disappearing, when she just disappear Nezuko when I attack the fake Ayaka, instead Nezuko would sensed her either right next to her or behind her which made Nezuko lend her punches and kicks onto Ayaka.

~Ayaka's mind~

"My own blood demon art has no chance against this demon girl, I better retreat as soon as I can."

The twin demons then looked at each other and proceeded to run away from Nezuko and Inosuke, but they weren't just going to let them get away, they chased after them and while doing so Inosuke picked up his twin blades, when Nezuko saw that she had an idea to finish off the twin demons, before Inosuke could continue running after them Nezuko stopped him.


"Hey what the hell you doing they're going to get away!?"

Nezuko grabbed Inosuke's hands that were holding his twin blades and place them right in front of her, she then begin to cut her hand with her nails and drip her blood on the blades, Inosuke didn't understand why she did that but Nezuko explain to him using hand gestures, he understands slightly and proceeded to chase after the twin demons, he saw them jumping two different branches above him in the trees, so Inosuke leaped side to side on some trees to reach them.


"Brother what should we do once we escaped from those two?"


"I don't know, but right now we need to get far away as possible from those two immediately."

but as they were jumping to different branches they didn't notices Inosuke behind them.



Once he said that out loud the twin demons turn their heads and saw him, but when they did Inosuke stepped in both through the chest with his twin blades.



~Nezuko's mind~

"Blood demon art, EXPLOSION!"

Inosuke then let go of his twin blades and leaped away from the twin demons, but when he did that the twins looked at each other and held each other's hands and remembered their past of always holding each other's hands when they go home after playing in the woods, Nezuko's explosion then goes off which completely destroys the twin demons and some of the forest as well, but when Inosuke was still in the air he was blown away by the explosion and was impaled on the side of the stomach by a incoming tree branch, he then fell to the ground and landed on his right arm which broke from impact, Inosuke then lay's in the soft leaf covered ground, but not too long after Nezuko found him and saw how injured he looked, she quickly rushed over to him and held him in her arms.

~Nezuko's mind~

"Come on Inosuke hang in there your going to be alright."

As Inosuke was being held by Nezuko he began to sniff the scent that he smelled in his dream.


"It... Smells... Nice..."

As Inosuke was nearly falling unconscious due to losing a lot of blood he saw two fuzzy people running straight towards them, and those two fuzzy people were Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

~To be continued~

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