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Hide's PoV

"Kaneki this is no way to carry your boyfriend." I laugh. Kaneki chuckles a little before putting me down, then picking me up bridal style.

"How's this?" Kaneki asked.

"Much better." I smile at him, then kissing his cheek as I loosely hold onto his neck. He smiled at me before he carried me home, whatever this newfound power he had was unbelievable. He barely used to manage when I jumped on his back for a few seconds but now he's carrying all my weight. It's either I'm a twig or he's secretly built underneath his clothes.

Kaneki's PoV

I glanced down at Hide for a moment, he looked happy. Which is what I like. He no longer has to worry about me being in danger because I'm with him, and he can see I'm okay. Although... I worry now that we're together so often that one day he might be in trouble because of me. But I don't want to push him away because I'm scared, because even though he might be in danger... I know it would hurt him more if I started avoiding him.

But I should stop focusing on the negative, Hide wouldn't want me to be like that. So why not have a little fun?

Hide's PoV

Kaneki suddenly started to run. I laugh and cling onto him "woah! Kaneki! Calm down you're going crazy!" I yell, laughing more. Part of me felt like I was going to fall and splat on the ground, but I know I can trust Kaneki with my life so that thought quickly vanished.

It was exciting whenever he turned a corner, the adrenaline of bumping into someone was present. But it never happened which was even better! And on top of that, he delivered me home, and I was all in one piece.

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