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Hide's PoV:

I slowly started to wake up, my eyes all blurry. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes "good morning Kaneki..." I mumble, feeling the bed. I look at the bed and see that he wasn't there anymore. I get up and walk to the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door I saw how the window was smashed and how messy everywhere was. I panic. "K-Kaneki...!" I yell, desperately running around, looking everywhere in the house for him. But he was nowhere. I quickly slide some shoes on and run to the coffee shop to see if he was working.

When I arrived I realised that it was closed and no one appeared to be home. I could feel my heart sink into my stomach. I break into the coffee shop "Kaneki...! Are you here...?!" I call out, looking in all the rooms. Suddenly spotting a cup on the table, once looking closer, I notice it wasn't finished yet. "Hmm... it appears they were rushing somewhere..."

Touka's PoV:

"What are you doing here?". Hide looks over his shoulder "Oh! Umm... I'm looking for Kaneki... would you happen to know where he is...?" He asks, smiling awkwardly.

"We're looking for him too. We have an idea of where he is but it would be too dangerous for you to go." I said, crossing my arms.

"Please... I need to find him. I don't care the dangers he's doing important to me." He says, clearly not giving in.

I sigh "fine. I'll let you tag along. But you do as we say, or you might never be able to even see his face again." I walk him out the room and leave the shop. He quickly follows, looking around.

We eventually get there and look at everyone else "we have arrived."

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