Embrace me

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Hide's PoV:

It was starting to get dark out so I knew I needed to find Kaneki and leave as soon as possible. Although I'm afraid it's hard to barely see anything amongst all these bodies... I want to trust we will find each other, but I worry that he might still be in trouble... I know he's getting stronger, I've witnessed first hand his growth... but this person he's up against... I wonder if he even stands a chance... but he'll be fine. And he'll come back to me. Maybe then everything will be okay again...

Kaneki's PoV:

The air is filled with so many scents my senses are overwhelmed... it's making me realise just how hungry I am... I know I'm currently a danger to Hide... I can't go to him just yet... but he might be in trouble or worried! That's something I always liked about Hide. He was always so considerate of my feelings and always wanted to make sure I was safe. He never questioned me. Never judged me. And I can't let myself lose him...

I traveled through the streets as fast as I could, of course trying to stay hidden from anyone who might pass by. Now and then I hear footsteps. I hide and peek, but it's not him. It never is. I feel like maybe I won't find him... he's normally always so close... maybe if I check on top of the bride I could use the higher ground to find him- maybe he's done the same!

Hide's PoV:

I thought he was in this area... but no one has seen him. My next though is maybe he's hiding. He always hid himself from me when something was up so maybe he's doing that. Poor Kaneki... he must be so afraid...

The closest area near here is the bride. I guess he might've hidden under it in the shade? I hope he hasn't traveled further than that or this searching will never work out...

Kaneki's PoV:

I got to the bridge finally... but I don't see anyone-... wait... could that be...?


Hide's PoV:

I look to the top of the bride and there I saw him... finally all my searching has worked out...

"Kaneki...!" I yell as I run up the steps to him, and he's running over to me... it wasn't too long until we were close.

Kaneki's PoV:

I hold Hide up by the hips and excitedly spin him around before we embrace in a hug. He holds my cheeks and covers my face in small kisses before he looked into my eyes. I noticed how he started to glance up to my hair. I felt his hand brushing through it, he looked concerned, worried... I knew I'd have to tell him what happened...

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