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video games - lana del ray

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video games - lana del ray

"willow?" the boy in front of her said.

even if she hadn't seen his face, she could've recognized that voice anywhere.

when their eyes met, luke's were filled with confusion and sadness.

but willows, she just felt numb.

she hadn't heard that voice say her name in so long, it felt relieving to finally hear it, but it was also as if she never wanted to hear it again.

"luke?" she whispers back.

"it's you." he chuckled, trying to hide the tears that began to spill.

"yeah. it's me." she said in a monotone voice.

suddenly seeing him after 26 years was weird...

all the memories came flooding back, every single detail perfectly clear.

she remembered what had happened between them before she died, and she was still scared of him.

"what've you been doing?" he asks, reaching to touch her hand.

she quickly moves it back and looks at him like he's crazy.

"what's wrong?"

"what's wrong? you cant just see me again and act like everything's fine!" willow shouts, thankful that no one else can hear her.

"what are you talking about?" luke asks, completely oblivious.

"oh come on now, you know exactly what i mean!"

after a moment luke finally catches on,"are you seriously still upset about that? it was 26 fucking years ago!"

she flinches at his loud voice, "you still did it luke! you cant just want to forget about something and it magically just didn't happen." willow says, bringing her voice down because she never liked fighting.

luke immediately realized her change in tone and mentally cursed himself for it, "i'm sorry, willow."

"i know you are, you said it just about a million times." she told him

"i know what i did, and trust me when i say i've kicked myself every day since then for what i did to you. i never wanted to be the type of person to do that, especially to you. my only intention was to keep you safe. and listen, i know an apology can't do but too much to make you forgive me but i want you to know that you were my best friend, and i will do literally anything... to just be friends again."

she sat there staring at him for a second, she hadn't heard that much... emotion out of luke patterson in years, "can we just... start over? we don't have to forget the good times, just the bad."

luke stared at her for a moment, not understanding how she just forgave him so quickly, "so you forgive me?"

she laughs, "no. but i know you wanted to protect me. even though some of those things you said didn't seem like it..."

"i know sage, those words are the ones i most regret and i never meant to say." luke explained, "i need to get back to the boys and julie but you can come see them whenever."

"yeah, ok." she said.

"wanna meet here tomorrow?" he asked.

"sure." she said with a small smile.

luke smiled back and poofed out, leaving willow with nothing but her thoughts.

she knew julie, but what if they liked each other?

surely julie was much prettier than her, and luke would much rather be with someone like her...

falling - luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now