Chapter 3 Walker

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The book was handed off, Walker took up reading when Selene finally returned. Her eyes bloodshot, but otherwise fine.

The weeks went by, and Iris, Selene, and Alec found themselves on the train headed back to Hogwarts. They spent no time at all getting to their compartment where they were greeted by their friends, and after explaining that the Selene look alike was Iris, they all but tackled her.

"I bet that was confusing," Jasmine says with a snicker.

Their reactions were priceless. Draco stared at the both of them with total confusion. Daphne didn't seem to like it too much, but she got over it.

Iris scowled and sighed a little bit.

Nico was more drawn to the tattoo's that Iris had gotten. Theo and Blaise were all up in her grill about her new style and talking about her outfit.

Selene rolled her eyes in amusement. She was wearing the same exact thing the only difference was the name on the collar.

Tom and a few others snickered.

"Shut up!" Scorpius snapped annoyed.

"Scorpius" JMR gave a warning glance.   

"Shut up!" Selene snapped glaring at JMR who looked over at her startled. "You have no fucking right to-"

"Selene, I know this must be uncomfortable." Walker started. "And I can't even begin to try to understand, but he is trying" he says quietly.  

Selene leaned closer to Iris. Her face void of emotion, letting out a scoff. "whatever" she grumbled. 

"Selene?" JMR started. 

"Just read damn it" Selene growled. the kids flinched at the growl and sunk down in their seat with a tremble. 

Bella on the other hand was hiding her laughter behind her hand, watching the interaction with a look of pride in her eyes. "You two need to understand something here, you may be legal guardian, but you are NOT her father." she says firmly. JMR started to say something, but she cut him off. "No, a father is there, a father doesn't allow shit like this to happen, a father protect their children from harm but allows them to grow and make mistakes so that they can learn. You are practically non-existent in their lives. You are king and their guardian, but you are not their father." She says firmly.

 "Hell, even my own father admits that he was a shit parent. but he owned up to it and made himself better. he isn't over baring, but he is there to guide, help, teach, and protect when needed." Bella looked straight at JMR ignoring the flinches around the table. "You are only their when they get in trouble. Haven't you ever stopped to consider there was a reason behind the things they do!"

Tom looked up at Bella with a hesitant looked. "B-Bella" he started to say. worry evident in his voice. 

Bella looked at Tom. "It was a war thing; I do not blame him at all, but I do wish he had been there. the first time I met my father, I was just rescued from a POW camp" 

Gasps filled the room. 

"It was brief, the next time I met him, I had already been married, divorced, and had multiple kids of my own, while working at the BAU for 4 years, and that was after I release 4 albums and toured for 5 years straight. and fought in two different wars one in Texas and one in the UK, which is not counting the titan wars I fought in. Im not even going to mention the other one as technically it isn't going to come least i dont think it will" Bella explained cooly. "i have to say, though, dad was more productive in my protection and upbringing than you are. he had his reasons, he was in war keeping the war off the homeland, but after that first meet, he called ever Tuesday and Friday at 6 o clock my time, on the dot. even if he was in the middle of a gun fight, he never missed a call. he stopped and listened. to everything i had to say and always had input."

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