Chapter 14 Scorpius

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Scorpius took up the book rather reluctatly. The last time he had read, he ended up not being able to finsih because he had lost control. He only hoped that this time that would not happen.

The next day, bright and early Iris woke to the sound of chatter. Meows, a squeak, and chirping sound. They sounded excited. Opening her eyes and sitting up, Iris saw Rose, James, Lily, and Ares were running around excitedly on the bed.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she yawned. "What are...*yawn* guys doing?"

Ares, in his excitement tumbled off the bed and onto the floor. He looked around and then seeing his new found freedom ran for the door.

Rose jumped down and chased after him. Lily and James followed behind shortly after. Iris groaned a little bit as she laid back down trying to fall back asleep, that's when it hit her. She opened her eyes again and sat up. It's Christmas!

"Christmas!" The children cheered.

Scorpius relaxed a little. What could go wrong with Christmas?

Iris got out of bed throwing the covers off of her and ran out of her room in her pajamas.


s she made it down the stairs, she saw that everyone was sitting at the table already waiting patiently for her. Lucius was reading the paper. Narcissa was lightly sipping her tea, and Draco was sitting there bored.

Rose, Lily, James, and Ares were at their own little spot made up for them for their meals waiting for the ok. Rose was holding Ares down with her paw as he was far too impatient and wanted to get to the food.

Bella raised an eyebrow. "If i am rose then Ares is Tom" she says dryly.

"HEY!" Tom look up at her slightly insulted.

"You know it's true" Bella smirked as his siblings laughed.

She waved hesitantly. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" She asks as she takes a seat next to Draco.

"You were having too much fun last night." Draco replied dryly. "I am surprised you got any sleep at all." he added.

Iris raised an eyebrow. "Who knew buying businesses was so much fun?" she said with a smirk.

"What did you and Lord Ragnrok do this time?" Narcissa asked.

"We just....bought out Grunnings."

"hey isn't that the place that Dursley guy worked at?" Damien asked.

Everyone smirked.

Iris said looking away innocently and then smirked.

Rose lifted her paw off Ares causing him to run right into the wall

"hey thats mean!" Tom whined as everyone else laughed.

once the humans began eating their breakfast. Iris looked over and saw Ares on the floor, holding his small head in his even smaller paws. She felt right sorry for him.

"Rose, be nice to Ares. He's still a baby." She says scoldingly. Rose gave her a look that stated 'Really, I don't give a

Scorpius looked over at JMR hesitantly. He really didn't want to get in trouble for saying it. "it says a bad word" he says hesitantly.

JMR sighed.

"Ill say it" bella smirked.


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