❤️ Day 12 ❤️

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I was ready for the playoffs... I needed to have whatever it takes to make it. My dad used to tell me this famous quote, You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky said that. That was his role model. One of the best hockey players in the world.  My dad used to say that he wanted to be just like him. He had posters in his room of him when he was a kid. It made him happy and it made me happy too. The playoffs were tomorrow and I felt like we really had a shot to win this thing. I just wanted to do one thing. I ran downstairs to grab a sandwich and walked outside the door.

"Hey, Tamara!" yelled Coach Bombay.

"Hey!" I had called Coach over so he could give me a ride to Adam's house.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yeah! I'm all set!" I yelled. 

I hopped in the backseat next to Coach. He smiled and tried to make small talk for a while until he asked a real question.

"So is everything okay with you and Adam?" asked Coach.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just haven't talked to him in a long time." I said. I was sad.

"Well, how come?" he asked.

"I visited Hans a few days ago... I just needed a break. I miss my dad and I needed some time to think about myself a little bit, to rearange." I said.

"I understand. Hans always makes me feel better to. Always makes me rethink my decisions and try to correct them." he said.

"Yeah... I just thought that I couldn't ever be good enough for the playoffs?" I said.

"Tamara! What are you talking about? Your going to rock the playoffs!" he yelled. "And if you ever need anyone to talk to besides Hans, I'm always here." he finished.

"Thanks Coach." I said and looked out the window. We were finally here. The drive felt like an eternity.

"Thanks for the ride Coach," I said.

"Anytime!" I opened the door and walked up to Adam's house. I was breathing really hard. I felt like I had screwed up for some reason. I knocked on the door and Adam opened the door.

"Hey Tamara." he said.

"Adam?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Hey I'm sorry..." he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For not talking to you for a long time." he said.

"That's what I came here to talk about... I came here to apologize for ignoring you. I've been doing that a lot lately with a lot of people." I said.

"That's okay I understand... Wanna come in?" he asked.

"Sure." I wanted to leave but I felt like it would be inpolite to say no. He took me up to his bedroom. It didn't look like his parents were home.

"So I wanted to tell you about something." I said.

"Yeah? Anything?" he said.

"So a couple of years ago my dad pasted away and it was really hard for me. I was super good at hockey and then when he died I forgot how to play and I quit. I started playing again when I moved. I had to learn everything all over again. How to skate, how to shoot. Those were the hardest years of my life because my dad played hockey and everytime I played it would remind me of him. For years I put it off but I had to play. Eventally I got over it and started playing but I never really got as good as I was before. So when the playoffs rolled around that same feeling I got when I played hockey years back came back. I didn't feel like I was good enough to play in the playoffs." I said. I cried. Adam hugged me and sat on his bed.

"I-I'm sorry..." he studdered.

"It's okay if you don't know what to say. You don't have to say anything." I said.

"Okay... I just want to let you know that you mean a lot to me. I've never said that to anyone." he said. I cried a little more. 

"You mean a lot to me too." I said laughing and crying. He hugged me again.

"The playoffs are tomorrow and I think you are ready!" he said.

"I think I can use some more practice." I said unsure.

"Well can we go to the pond?" he asked.

"Coach Bombay drived me here, he can give us a ride!" I said.

"Alright! Let's go!" he yelled and we marched outside gathering pads and sticks he said I could borrow. I felt great! There was just one thing I had to do last.

We got into the van and I asked Louis to drive to Charlie's apartment.

"Hey Adam? Is it alright if I stop by Charlie's and say sorry too. I feel like I owe him an apology as well." I said.

"Yeah! Of course." he said.

We stopped in front of his building and I ran up to his apartment room. I knocked on the door as hard as possible, and after all that his mom answered the door.

"Oh hey Tamara? Are you looking for Charlie?" she asked.

"Yes! I am! Is he home?" I asked.

"Yes! I'll get him." she said. Then after a minute of waiting he walked up to the door. I hugged him so hard as an apology without words. He hugged me back. I think he got what I was doing. 

"Hey! Tamara's back! I missed you while you were out of town!" he said jokingly.

"Very funny but, I missed you too." I said. "Charlie I'm so sorr-" he cut me off.

"You don't have to say anything... I get it! Now go! I'll see you tomorrow to win the playoffs!" he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I said. He started closing the door but I caught it right in time to peek in. "And Charlie... I really did miss you." I said, smiled and ran out of the building, got in the van and played hockey with Adam for what felt like an eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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