❤️ Day 4 ❤️

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After the game, we all fell on the ice. It was a party and the crowd and our parents were cheering in the stands. We had made the playoffs and we were on fire! Charlie skated over and hugged me and Coach. We were practically in a dog pile hugging. My prayers came true! How often can you say that? Adam started skating over to me.

"Hey! Tamara! Wait up!" he yelled. I stopped hugging Connie and Jesse to skate over to him.

"This is great Adam! Aren't you excited?" I yelled over all the screaming.

"I mean yeah I am but, I need to let you know something," he said.

"Alright! Spill!" I said still screaming.

"Okay! I just wanted to say sorry about what happened at school the other day. Your a really good player and I should have seen that the first time." he said.

"Thanks, Adam. I appreciate that. Your not bad yourself!" I said. He laughed.

"Thanks!" he said. He held out his hand.

"Friends?" he asked. He sounded unsure of his offer. I felt like I didn't want to shake his hand? Somehow it didn't feel right to friend-zone him? I didn't want to be friends and I don't mean it in a rude way but, I felt like we shouldn't be friends. I felt like we should be teammates. And yes I felt like we could be more than that. Did I like him? Maybe a little. Could I tell him? Probably not. I don't want Charlie to know. I didn't know if Adam could keep a secret so for now we are just teammates. I can't risk being just friends because that could never change but, being teammates can change the future.

"How about teammates?" I said holding my hand out for him to shake this time. 

"Why just teammates?" he asked.

"Because if we wanna be more in the future, being just friends isn't going to get us anywhere?" I said. He nodded and shook my hand. A big smile pierced his face that made me feel like he felt the same way I did. We skated away from each other and started hugging and celebrating again.

After we all got my gear off I asked if everyone wanted to come over and have a party at my house. Everyone said yes. Tammy, Tommy, and Connie got here first and we all watched a movie. Then the rest of the ducks came. I even invited Adam and Coach.

"Tamara! Thanks for inviting us!" said Coach when he walked in with Charlie. Charlie must have came with Coach. 

"Your welcome!" I said. I smiled and let them pass through my front door to find Adam waiting behind them.

"Hey! Glad you came!" I said. He smiled.

"Yeah! Of course! Thanks for inviting me." he said.

"Yeah, anytime!" I said. I stepped aside to let him inside.

"You have a nice house!" he said.

"Oh! Thank you!" I said. He was holding a present? Was that for me?

"Hey, um? I got this for you!" he said before I could walk away. He held out his hand with a blue box in it. I put my hand on my heart.

"For me? You didn't have too?" I said.

"I wanted to get you a playoffs present! Open it!" he said.

I open it to find a necklace with a hockey stick and puck on it. It was beautiful!

"Thank you, Adam! I love it! It's beautiful!" I said

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"Thank you, Adam! I love it! It's beautiful!" I said.

"Your welcome. I'm really glad you love it! I was stressed out that you didn't like that teal/cyan color!" he said.

"No! I love it! It's one of my favorite colors! This must have been expensive!" I said. He laughed.

"Yeah!" he said. There was an awkward silence for a long time.

"Help me put it on!" I said. I handed him the necklace and turned around. He put it on me and I adjusted it. I turned back around and looked him in the eyes. It felt good. Everything did. I was in the right place right now.

"It looks..." he paused. "Beautiful as hell!" he said. I smiled. I felt a different way when I was around him. It was different then when I was with Charlie. It was the feeling of right. Like it was right? I liked it.

"I ordered pizza?" I said.

"I-I like pizza! Who doesn't like pizza?" he asked. I laughed.

"Yeah..." I said. I looked at Charlie then at Adam and then at the dinner table where my beloved friends were sitting.

"We should probably eat." I said to break the silence.

"Yeah. Sure!" he said and we went to sit down.

Authors Note: Hi everyone! If you subscribed to my youtube channel then I am going to start making videos other than edits. Don't get me wrong! Edits are awesome and I love making them but, I also want to grow my channel since I'm new and so I'm going to try doing random things like crafts and gaming. I already do all that but, I haven't put anything like that on youtube yet. If you aren't subscribed to my channel its Macie Ava and make sure to subscribe because I have high hopes for my channel! Thanks guys so much!

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