❤️ Day 7 ❤️

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I still can't believe what happened last night? We were at the game, the North Stars game and I was going to get more popcorn and when I came back everyone jumped up and I almost got knocked over by Connie. She then said sorry and pointed to the screen. It read, Welcome Gordon Bombay, his three, star players Banks, Jenison, and Conway, and the Ducks! It was a rush and I was hyped up from bouncing up and down with Connie. We were both screaming. I was sitting next to Adam and when I sat down I noticed that Adam had his hand out for me to hold. I smiled at him and at that moment when I looked into his eyes and grabbed his hand, I felt like I had found my true love. I wasn't thinking that maybe it would affect Charlie. Actually, I haven't been thinking about him a lot lately. It's just the second I looked at Adam I knew that all my problems had drained away. I immediately got jolted awake by Lucas.

I groaned. "What do you want?" I said.

"You have a game today!" he yelled.

"So? It's later?" I said.

"It's in 20 minutes," he said. I jumped up and looked at my alarm clock. The game was at 2:00 pm. I had slept until 1:40!! I've never slept that long?

"Oh my god! Lucas get out of my room so I can change!" I yelled. Lucas ran down the hall. I had no clean clothes so I slipped on my jersey and a dirty pair of black jeans. I straightened my hair and put on my checkered vans and ran down the stairs.

"Good afternoon, DEAR!!" yelled my mom.

"Sorry I slept in so late mom? I guess I was tired from yesterday's surprise?" I said.

"Come on! Tamara! Tell me where you went!" whined Lucas.

"I can't! You would just throw a fit because you didn't get to go?" I said. Mom threw me some toast before I ran out the door and ran 3 blocks to Connie's house. I knocked on the door. No one was home.

"DAMN!!" I yelled. I ran back home to tell mom.

"Mom your gonna need to drive me because no one is home?" I said.

"Ugg! Tamara Jean!!" yelled mom.

"I know I'm sorry!" I yelled.

We all got into the car. My other brother wasn't coming to the game because he was going to his girlfriend's house but Lucas had to come. We were driving fast and there were only 10 minutes left until the game starts. When the car stopped I hopped out and ran as fast as I could to the building. When I ran into the locker room everyone stared at me. Connie and Fulton looked angry, and I bet I looked ashamed. I walked over and sat next to Connie getting all my gear on as fast as I could.

"Con, I'm so sorry I'm late! My alarm clock didn't go off so I slept in late!" I said.

"Okay," she said.

"No, Connie. It's not okay! I'm sorry." I said.

"I know your sorry? It's just? Why are you always late now? Before you were on time and neat and you wore clothes that didn't smell like they had been washed in weeks. What's going on?" she asked.

"I don't know?" I said. I didn't know what to say. I took off my pants and put on my socks and hockey pants so I could get rid of the smelly ones.

"I'm worried about you, Tamara! You've never acted like this! I'm your best friend! You can tell me anything." She said.

"I-I think its because I'm-" I mumbled. I looked at Adam. He smiled his beautiful white smile.

"You're what?" said Connie.

"I'm in love," I said. "I'm in love!" I said again but a smidge louder. No one could hear me but Connie.

"Oh... With Banks?" asked Connie.

"Yep, mhm, that's right," I said looking at Adam. The way he tied his skates was so complicated but it was so different and unique and I loved it.

"That's why! Love messes with you!" said Connie. I nodded my head.

"But? Love doesn't mess with me and Guy?" asked Connie.

"Different kind of love or maybe it only happens to certain people's love," I said.

"Does that mean we have bad love?" asked Connie.

"No way, Con! It just means you guys have your own way of telling each other you love them. I think?" I said.

"Wow! How cool!" said Connie "And I'm sorry that I was so hard on you a minute back." she said.

"That's okay, you were just looking out for me. Thanks!" I said.

"Anytime sister from another mother!" Connie slurred the joke. I laughed.

"And a sleepover is in hand for after the game!" I said.

"Okay! Whoever touches their nose first gets to have a sleepover at their house!" yelled Connie.

"1, 2, 3, not it!" I yelled. I touched my nose first.

"yes!!" I yelled. Connie stuck her tongue out to me to play around. I laughed when I got the last piece of gear on and then coach walked in.

"Alright, team! Let's have a nice and clean game! And Remember! DUCKS FLY TOGETHER!!" the whole team yelled in unison.

We all walked out onto the ice to do warm-ups. I immediately saw Mom and Lucas in the stands. Adam skated up to me.

"Hey!" he said.

"Oh hi!" I replied.

"So I was wondering if after the game we could maybe go get a coke from a vending machine down the hall?" he asked.

"Like on a date?" I asked.

"Um? Yeah... Like a date!" he said. I almost said yes when I looked at Connie. She was quietly cheering me on from the other side of the ice.

"Um? I think I have a little time after the game before me and Connie are going to have a sleepover, so yeah!" I said.

"Ooh! Sound fun. Okay so like right after the game?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yep!" I said while skating towards Connie. I screamed.

"He asked me on a date!" I yelled.

"Really!! Where!! When!!" she squealed.

"After the game! We going to get a coke from a vending machine! Don't worry I told him about the sleepover and that I'll have to go but we will have time." I said.

We continued to do warm-ups and I kept seeing Adam and Charlie looking at me. I still feel bad about Charlie. I've been so wrapped up in trying to impress Adam that I've been ignoring him this whole time, and it didn't even bother me until now? What kind of person am I to do that to him? I just needed to take a second to think about all my options. Charlie likes me too, I can't just ignore that?

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