❤️ Day 5 ❤️

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I woke up and I felt awesome but, at the same time, I felt like a different person? Yesterday when Adam apologized and when he gave me that necklace, I felt a different feeling for him than I did before. Before I thought he was a jerk and he was just rude for no reason but, then when he was kind and had been the real Adam I knew he could be, he made me feel happy. Happier than I feel when I'm with Charlie? Did this mean I liked him? Like, liked him, liked him? 

"Señorita! Get down here! You're going to be late for school!" yelled my mom.

"Coming mom!" I yelled back. I had confidence about today. Was I going to tell Adam how I felt? No. Was I going to be my best self around him? Yes!

"Tamara!" yelled my mom again. I hustled down the stairs as quickly as I could.

"Oh! Tamara! Señorita! You're not dressed?" mom asked.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry! I just woke up!" I said.

"You're going to be late for school again! You know if you get too many tardies you going to get kicked out of school! You don't want to end up like your cousin JoJo do you?" she said.

"I know, I know! Cousin JoJo also lived in Mexico!" I said.

"Are we really going to fight over cousin JoJo right now when you're going to be late for school!" she said.

"How do you know I'm going to be late?" I said while grabbing my omelet and racing upstairs to get dressed. I slapped on some old jeans, a teal sweatshirt I got from Miami, Florida, and a hat.

I raced outside to find Charlie, Connie, Fulton, Jesse, and Terry waiting for me. Right! I almost forgot! I was supposed to walk with them to school today.

"Man, Tamara! What the hell were you doing in there?" asked Fulton.

"Sorry! You wanna know the truth?" I asked.

"Not really?" said Fulton. I smirked at him.

"Okay, the truth is..." I paused and started back up in a guilty tone. "I kind of forgot. But, it's okay!" I said.

"No, it's not okay! Your giving me my first tardy!" yelled Jesse.

"Wow! That's surprising!" I said. I have about 10 tardies now. I can't remember to wake up? It's not my fault!

"Come on guys! Lay off! Let's just go." said Connie. Was she upset?

"Yeah... Let's go." I said while walking over to the group with a confused look.

"You alright, Tamara?" asked Charlie.

"Umm? Yeah! I'm fine." I felt awkward, given my new feeling for Adam and that Charlie doesn't know.

"Connie!" I said. She looked back at me. She looked confused this time. Less mad.

"Yeah," she said. I didn't know what to say. I almost never do? I'm awkward in these kinds of situations.

"Are you mad because I forgot?" I asked.

"Oh no? I'm totally not mad! I'm just a little confused? We have been planning this for a few days now and you seemed really excited about it because Charlie was gonna be here? I don't know how you would forget? Plus you haven't been... Well, you haven't been the Tamara I know? You've been a bit off lately, and I just wanna know if everything is okay with you?" she said.

Wow, that was a lot to take in. I had to process my options and think about what to say. That's what my dad always told me to do with friends.

"Well, I was going to tell you something but, not here. With them I mean." I said.

"You mean with boys around?" she asked.

"Exactly! Thanks for being so understanding!" I said. It's true. Connie was the most understanding of the history of mankind!

"Of course! You're my best friend!" she said. I smiled.

"So I'll tell you about it after school! In the football field?" I asked.

"Sure," she said while fake punching my shoulder. "I have nothing planned?" she said. She raised her eyebrows twice.

"Don't get any bad ideas!" I said. Connie laughed.

"Okay!" she said still laughing.

Later that day after school me and Connie met on the football field.

"Okay! I've been waiting all day! Now spill!" said Connie. I laughed.

"Okay, so... Oh god where do I start?" I said.

"Oh? I don't know? How about the beginning?" she said. Connie always makes me laugh.

"Okay. So, I think I like Adam?" I said. I had no problem telling Connie about my feelings. The only problem was that I was still pretty unsure about this feeling.

"Oh! My! GOD!" she screamed. "When did you figure this OUT!" she screamed again.

"Well, last night he gave me a necklace..." I paused and took the necklace out from under my shirt to show her.

"Wow! How thoughtful! WAIT! Does this mean he likes you back?" she asked.

"That's what I don't know? I guess if he got me a necklace he likes me? But, it was a playoffs present and he could just be being kind?" I said.

"No way girl! He likes you!" she yelled. I made a shhing noise with my mouth.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Yep! I know so!" she said. A sigh of relief came from my mouth when Connie gave me a hug.

"I'm so glad It's Friday!" she said.

"Me too..."

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