AUTHORS NOTE (ik im sorry but important)

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okay so i don't know why but i do want to continue this book... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THR VOTES AND THE READS WE JUST HIT 20k!!!!!

but the storyline as you can tell from my 6th grader self that it went by WAY to fast and that's like the whole point of the story.

and I have no clue where to go with it.

I know authors really never express when they don't know wtf to do with books but here I am... I would LOVE to continue this book but I have literally been stuck for weeks trying to figure out what to do.


but I just wanted to let you guys know that I am trying to update and I didn't just dip on you guys.

I am trying!!!

thank you guys so much for the support!!!

love you muah 😽

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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