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sorry for the late update i've been busy with school and the chapter is kinda short.

   When the words leave my mouth Patrick freezes. His eyes burn into mine and I feel like the silence is deafening.

"No interrupting?" He finally says. I shake my head lightly at him. Looking down at my feet.

"No interrupting." I look back up at him as a light smile forms on his lips. No matter how much I deny it, I love Patrick and if he wants to explain then i'll let him. I guess he deserves this chance.

He gets off the stool and walks around the counter and his hand extends to mine. I look at it for a second debating if I should take it or not.

I side step him and walk to my living room, sitting down on the far left of my couch.

He walks into the living room and in the chair to my left.

Silence falls over the room. It's like the silence is so loud.

"I know that what you saw seems like there's no other explanation" He finally says breaking the silence.

"That night that I told you I had a meeting I went with Jillian"

Like I didn't know that already.

"and it was just dinner and talking about what me and her are splitting in the divorce" His eyes meet mine and I look away quickly.

"but you still lied to me" I snap at him.

He's quick to jump in. "I know and i'm not saying that's right i'm just saying nothing went on with Jillian that might"

I look up at him to see any hint that he's lying to me but I find none.

"If nothing happened between you two then why lie to me?" Frustration is clear in my voice. Yes maybe I would still be skeptical about him going to meet up with her but I would of trusted him.

"I don't know Ellen, I just thought that you would overthink it and it would be easier just to lie" I stand up and start pacing my living room.

"You still lied to me, I would have trusted you to go. Yes maybe I would overthink a little but if you just told me nothing was gonna happen, I wouldn't think twice about it" My hands flare at my sides

"And i'm sorry for that, I should of just told you but you have to see where i'm coming from" His eyes pleading for me to just forgive him and move on.

"You have to tell me these things, I don't care if there gonna hurt me or not." I stop pacing and my eyes meet his.

He stands up from the chair and walks over to where i'm standing by the fireplace. His hands cup my cheeks.

"I will, I promise. I'm so sorry baby" His voice coming out as a whisper.

No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I try to push him away, I love him. I think I always have.

I stare back at him while my head is trying to figure out what to say back but before I can speak, lips connect with mine in a forceful kiss.

I kiss back out of habitat. His tongue quickly entering my mouth. Ive missed him. His tongue explores my mouth as my hands intwine in his hair. He pulls away before the kiss can get to heated. His hands are still holding my face.

"God I missed you" His forehead rests against mine, both of us panting from the heated kiss we had only moments ago.

"I missed you too" my voice barley a whisper.

"Can I come home?" His hand brushing through my hair. His head slightly tilted.

I sigh. "yes" My mouth moves faster then my brain. He apologized, and I get his side of it. I just want to move on.

"Don't lie to me ever again" My finger jabs at his chest playfully. A big smile graces his face.

"Yes ma'am" I go in for a another kiss. Butterflies fill my stomach. I will never get tired of him. The kiss quickly becoming heated. His hands fall on my hips pulling me closer to him. The air in the room suddenly hot.

He pulls away and my lips fall into a pout.

"It's been two weeks, we have to make up for it" A smirk pulling at his lips.

"I guess we do" Lust filling my voice.

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