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I hope my writing has gotten better because before... ew ew ew.

also a new cover!!

anyway ENJOY !!!

One month after patrick asked Ellen to date.

Ellen's pov:

As we lay in bed at my house because we get a month break every year, I'm filled with happiness. Patrick's arm is draped across my waist as he sleeps soundly behind me.

I'm so happy. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. All of a sudden Patrick's phone goes off. I turn around to face Patrick and he's still sound asleep. My nose an inch away from his.

"Patrick" I whisper. Wanting to wake him up but not scare him. "Patrick" I say a little louder.

"Mm" Patrick's eyes don't open but I know he's sorta awake.

"Your phone is going off"

The sun is starting to come up making the room a little brighter.

He groans. His lips touch mine in a quick kiss and he turns over to grab his phone. He sits up wiping his eyes of sleep. "What" He says sleep still lacing his voice.

I turn on my back looking at the time. 7:23am. Why so early? Patrick gets up only in his boxers and walks out of the room still talking to who ever is on the phone. Why did he have to leave? I slightly hear him outside the door. I sit up not being able to sleep anymore going to my dresser to grab some clothes to take a shower.

"Well get them taken down, I can't have Ellen seeing them" Patrick says right outside the door.

My eyebrows pull together in confusion. I walk to the door to hear better. I can't hear the person on the other end but I can hear him.

"Well get it sorted out, My relationship with Ellen just started. I cant have her seeing those on the media" Patrick says seeming mad.

I quickly walk back to my dresser as I hear his steps getting closer to the door. I start to pull out clothes not caring what I grab. I feel arms wrap around my waist, I smile knowing who exactly it is.

"hey babe, coming back to bed?" Patrick says as he starts kissing my neck. I shake my head lightly. I turn around to face him, his bottom lip is out, in a pout.

"Why not" he tilts his head to the side, His arms still wrapped around my waist.

"I was up before you and I can't fall back asleep, i'm gonna go take a shower" I say looking down at the clothes in my hand and then back up to him.

"let me join?" A smile spreads across his face. I shake my head. His smile immediately turning into a frown. "I want a quick shower and with you joining me it would not be quick" He smirks down at me. His arms unwrap around my waist and he gives me a quick kiss and as i'm walking to the bathroom he slaps my butt. I turn around and glare at him.

As i'm walking to the bathroom I stop and look over my shoulder and he's still looking at me. "What was that phone call about" and suddenly his face drops.

"Nothing Important" He says quickly walking over to his dresser to get dressed.

Why did he look like he saw a ghost when I asked that? I shut the bathroom door behind me, walking over to the shower and turning it on. I set my clothes down the floor where they shouldn't get wet.

Wait. I remember him saying something about me not seeing them on the media? I grab my phone and open it quickly. I go straight to twitter knowing they are always up to date with everything.

Right as I open twitter and see the first thing that pops up I feel all the air leave my body.

A picture.

A picture of Patrick and Jillian. Two nights ago. That's when Patrick said he was going to a business meeting.

My eyes start to become hazy as tears run down my face. I never wanted to feel this way again. Last time I felt like this was when he left me the first time. I cant go through this again. The bathroom is starting to get foggy and hot. I quickly get undressed and walk into the steaming water hoping it can wash away my pain.

I'm just assuming all of this right? I'm just assuming that Patrick lied to me about going to a business meeting and then going with Jillian. I hope.

I finish showering and get dressed. My shirts getting wet because of my hair. I don't have the energy to dry it. I walk out of the steaming bathroom and throw my dirty clothes in the hamper. I pull my shirt down feeling as it's showing to much. I have Patrick's shirt on and shorts. The shirt only reaching right under my butt.

I feel as if my feelings are invalid because I haven't even asked him yet, but what other explanation is there?

He isn't in our bedroom so I walk down to the kitchen expecting he's in there and he is. He's leaning on the counter and in one hand is his phone and in the other is a cup of coffee. He must of heard me walk into the kitchen because his head turns to me and he smiles. I manage to smile a little and walk over to the cupboard to grab a cup for my own coffee

I get my coffee and walk over to the other side of the counter and sit down on the bar stool.

"Are you alright?" He says now facing me

I meet his eyes and all I want to do is turn away. This man standing two feet in-front of me has brought me so many emotions, most of them are good but when there bad. There really bad. I'm not alright but do I tell him that?

"What's wrong?" His voice breaks my thoughts and suddenly i'm back into reality. I stare up at him, meeting his eyes once again.

"Nothing" I say with no emotion clear in my voice. His eyebrows scrunch together and he tilts his head slightly. I know he can read me like a book and me saying that was no help at all. He laughs. He quite actually laughs at me. I stare back at him with a blank face.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" He knows. I look down at my hands holding the coffee cup, What am I doing? I have to tell him.

I look back up at him and I feel the words tumbling out before I can stop them.

"It's either the lying to me about going to a business meeting or being with Jillian that night" I shrug my shoulders. That came out a little more rude then I meant it too. Patrick's face falls quickly. He looks shocked and confused.

"Ellen-" he starts but I hold my hand up to stop him from continuing.

"Tell me that isn't exactly what happened Patrick" I'm hoping that it's not what it looks like, that this is all a misunderstanding.

"I cant" He looks down

And everything comes back, the pain, the heartbreak, the broken promises and most of all the disappointment.

for once I wanted to be wrong and I wasn't.


OKAY GUYS so i might of left a little cliff hanger but STAY WITH ME because do you really think this is the end of dempeo? definitely not.

and maybe patrick has more to say....

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